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Namjoon: No one ever mentioned that you're funny?

Y/n: No, you're the first one

Namjoon: That's shocking

I chuckled. We both continue cycling around for 15 minutes then we return to where we set our stuff. Hoseok and Yeri also back from walking, we start our little picnic, eat and play some games. It was fun overall, I'm glad Yeri asked me to come with them otherwise I would just lock myself in the room and grieving all day which is very pathetic.

Yeri: Everyone wanna play truth or dare?

Her eyes filled with excitement as she look at all of us, waiting for the answer

Namjoon: Sureee?

Y/n: It sounded fun

Hoseok: Let do it

Yeri get up and went to grab an empty soju bottle. Since she the one suggested, she will has to starts the game. Every body was paying attention to the empty bottle excitedly as she begins to spin it. A second later we all cheering in unison when it pointed to Hoseok

Y/n: Ok, Yeri ask him

Her cheeks become red, she cleared her throat and look at him shyly

Yeri: Truth or dare?

Hoseok: Um truth

Namjoon: Do you have any questions Yeri?

Yeri: Mhm

Hoseok: Let's hear what is it

Yeri: Uh d- do you enjoy today?

What a lame question Yeri

Hoseok: Yes, I do

I'm just gonna sit here and watch her turns into tomato. Hoseok grab the bottle and starts spinning it, fortunately the bottle landed on him again

Namjoon: The bottle really like you bruh, truth or dare?

Hoseok: Truth

Namjoon: Does anyone has questions for him?

Yeri shook her head, I was minding my own business until Namjoon turn to me

Y/n: Ok I'll ask him 

Hoseok: What is it?

Y/n: When did you realize that you fall in love with Yeri

Hoseok: In love?

Y/n: Yeah

Hoseok: We're just friend right?

He chuckled

Yeri: F- Friend?

Yeri mumbled quietly but I was sitting next to her so I could hear how painful and broken her voice is. It becomes silent, did I just screwed something up? Namjoon didn't look surprised or anything, I turn to look at Hoseok who doesn't seem to feel any guilt with what he just said and then there is poor Yeri she just staring at him speechlessly. She looks really hurt and lost. He was nice and gentle with her before they went to walk but when they came back he's like a different person and ignoring her but Yeri was still happy until this moment. I wonder what happened during their walk, don't tell me they f- ugh cut it off Y/n. Yeri isn't that easy and Hoseok doesn't look like that kind of guy, right?

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