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It's 2 AM, the midnight already passed. Jungkook was in the middle of his sleep when a suddenly his phone started ringing which alarmed him to wake up, the pair of his eyes were still closed, he mumbling and randomly placing his hand on the nightstand's surface try to find his phone. Once he had it in his hand he slowly open his eyes and look for the caller ID

Jungkook: This bitch gotta be kidding me

He muttered frustratedly before sliding his phone and answer the call

On The Phone

Jungkook: Dude-

???: Hello?

Jungkook paused when he recognized that the voice isn't Jimin or their other friend's

???: Sir?

The man spoke up again

Jungkook: Ye- yes I'm here, may I know who's this and how did you-

???: I'm a police officer, do you happen to know or related to this cellphone's owner?

Jungkook: Uhhh yes he is my friend

???: Great, now I want you to listen carefully we've found your friend unconscious inside the car, it looks like he got into a terrible car accident. We trying to contact his friends and relatives for a half hour but couldn't reach anyone

Jungkook: Please tell me the address I will be there as soon as possible

Jungkook's hands were still shaking after the police hung up the phone he turns on the light and quickly went to Taehyung's bed try to inform him about the news

Jungkook: Taehyung- now where is this bitch goes god dammit

Because he couldn't find Taehyung anywhere he returned to his bed to grabs his shirt, he put it on and left to the location that the police told him

Jungkook tried to contact Y/n on his way there but he couldn't reach her either, her phone was still off since the evening

Jungkook: Why the fuck is no one picking up their damn phone, come on dude

He muttered while tries to call Taehyung again one last time but he still didn't answer the phone. Jungkook sighed anxiously and continues driving at highest speed for another 45 minutes. His heart starts pounding faster and faster when he arrived, there were a lot of police cars and the ambulance

Without hesitating he get out from his car and barging through the crowded to where the ambulance is. After talking with one of the EMT Jungkook get back to his car and starts following the ambulance to a hospital...

5 hours later

Jungkook: You been staring at him for 10 minutes already, come sit, if the doctor said he's fine that means he's fine

Jungkook's Pov

I said and look at Taehyung, he just standing beside Jimin and staring at him quietly, he was like that since he got here

Taehyung: How long have you been here?

Jungkook: 5 hours maybe

Taehyung: You can go back to the dorm and get some rest I can watch him

Jungkook: Wow finally, I was waiting for you to say this, look at me I barely get any sleep

Taehyung: Will you stop talking and just go

Jungkook: I will but before that, tell me where were you last night

He glanced at me with expressionless face then went to sit down on another chair

Taehyung: I went to club, can't remember how many drinks I had but I woke up at some random place this morning

I chuckled and shaking my head at his stupidity

Jungkook: Fucking idiot

Taehyung: So what did the police says?

Jungkook: About?

Taehyung: The accident

Jungkook: Ah about that they still investigating. All I know is Jimin wasn't at fault, the doctor said he didn't consume anything that has alcohol yesterday and the road that he took was a one way path, I assume the other person either high as fuck or tripped, by look at the position of Jimin's car, it seems like he was trying to turned away but the other car followed him and hit him eventually

Taehyung: *Chuckled*

Jungkook: Aside that I just wondering where was he's going, it like an hour away from his place to where the accident happened

Taehyung: Maybe he went to get some pills

Jungkook: Nah he said he already quit, he doesn't want Y/n to find out

Taehyung: Didn't he went to get some with Kevin the day before

Jungkook: Only Kevin bought it, he just wants Jimin to go with him because Jimin knows the guy

As Taehyung silently nodding his head I get up from my seat and about to leave when I feel a phone vibrating inside my pocket, it was Jimin's phone, I look at the caller ID and immediately give it to Taehyung

Taehyung: What?

He glanced at the phone then look at me with his confused face

Jungkook: It's his mom I don't want to deal with her

Taehyung: Do I look like I want to deal with her?

Jungkook: Well I mean I been watching him for 5 hours and you just got here

Taehyung: I'm still not gonna pick up her call though

Jungkook: Whatever I'm leaving now, I will go check on Y/n too, couldn't contact her since yesterday she probably doesn't know about Jimin yet

I shoved the phone in his hand and walk towards the door exhaustedly

Author's Pov

Taehyung maintained his silence while his eyes following Jungkook as he leaving, once Jungkook is out of sight his eyes draw back to Jimin's phone that he was holding, since the phone was break unlocked by the professional last night Taehyung be able to access it easily, he goes through Jimin's photo collection and starts deleting Y/n's pictures from the phone furiously. He continues deleting her pictures until he comes across one clip video


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