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Jungkook: So what you want to talk about?

I open my bag and take out that one gift box, showing it to him

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I open my bag and take out that one gift box, showing it to him

Y/n: Was this from Jimin?

He remains silent for few seconds then start laughing awkwardly

Jungkook: What you mean, that's from me Y/n

Of course I don't believe it, I stare at him seriously

Y/n: Jungkook you don't have to lied I know it is from him

His smile slowly disappeared, he stay quietly then nodding his head

Jungkook: Sorry, he just asked me not to tell you.

Jungkook: But please don't return it he will be so heartbroken if you do

Jungkook added while I just standing speechlessly didn't know how to react

Y/n: Is he okay?

I asked softly with worry expression on my face

Jungkook: Yeah he's fine

Y/n: Why didn't he come to class anymore?

Jungkook: The university expelled him

My heart dropped, I became speechless again and look at Jungkook while my eyes start welling up, as my tears flowing out I quickly turn away and wipe it off, I try my hardest not to expression anything

Y/n: Did he goes to a new college?

I questioned him

Jungkook: No he got lockup

My heart dropped for the second time, I stay quietly for a minute then I start covering my face with my hands and sobbing as I couldn't hold it anymore, Jungkook pulls me into his chest and wrap his arms around me gently, he keeps rubbing my back try to comfort me

Y/n: I want to see him *Sobbing*

Jungkook: Sure, after you finish with all of your classes you can come meet me at the fountain I'll take you to him

I nodded my head and wiping my tears off, after few minutes I let Jungkook go back to his friends in the cafeteria while I remaining in the same place, I sit down on the chair and keep looking at the necklace, it was the exact same necklace that I saw him wearing

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