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After he kiss my head I giggles softly and remain hugging him, it feels really nice to stay this close to him, his smell, his charm and his gentle embrace made me never want to unwrap my arms from this man. I wish I didn't left last night, I could have wake up with him in the morning and be the first person to see his face today but I lost the chance, screw that prick Jimin, when is he gonna stop and finally leave me alone

Y/n: I'm sorry oppa I left last night

He chuckles softly and nods

Y/n: I didn't mean to leave like that, it was an emergency
Yoongi: It's okay, let's just go eat, you said you hungry right?

I nodded and unwrap my arms from him, I sit up straight he helped me buckle my seatbelt and starts driving to the restaurant.

Once we arrived we ordered our foods and eat.

While eating I keep checking on Yoongi oppa, he doesn't talk much today, since we get here it was only me who always started the conversation but it was just a short conversation, it more like Q&A, I asked and he just answered my questions, from time to time I ran out of things to ask him so we both just being silent

I wonder if he's mad or if he getting bored of me already because I talk too much and eat a lot, I must irritated him

Ahh these thoughts are killing me Yoongi oppa please talk to me before I'm going crazy, why are you so quiet like this

Y/n: Oppa are you mad at me?

He didn't answer me immediately, it confirmed that I'm annoying him, I put my chopstick down and shove my plate away which grabbed his attention

Yoongi: You're done?

He finally spoke but still didn't answer my question

Y/n: Yes
Yoongi: What's wrong?

The audacity to ask, I want to roll my eyes so bad but I know I shouldn't, it's disrespectful

Y/n: Nothing

So all this time his attention wasn't with me, I don't think he even hear my question but that's good, we both became silent for another minute then Yoongi oppa turn his head back and looks around as he was looking for someone then he turns back facing me again and spoke

Yoongi: I'm sorry, I know it's lame but I thought I saw my ex earlier and I don't want her to know that I'm here because she will comes bother you and ruin the time

So that the reason he being so quiet the whole time? My face turns grumpier I look at him and shout which made him startled a little bit

Y/n: Liar, you don't want her to know that you're here with me because you still love her and care about her

Yoongi: What? No, I never love her why would I care about her

Y/n: *Scoff* Why did you dated her then if you don't even love her?

Yoongi: It was a year ago when I still in college, my reason is pretty dumb but it's true, I just talk to her because I was bored and only for sex, I don't even feel anything to her

Y/n: Same reason why you're taking me out now? Because you're bored and only want to fuck?

Yoongi: Y/n don't ever compare yourself to those girls again, they're not even half of you, you worth so much more and very precious to me why would I play with you?

Yoongi: I'm always honest and risking it all for you, I don't even care knowing I will have problems with your brother later and lose him as a best friend 

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