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The room filled with silent. Both Yoongi and Chen sitting on the chair quietly with their eyes glued to Jimin who still laying on the patient's bed unconsciously, it been an hour since they arrived the hospital and Jimin doesn't seem to wake up any time soon but they didn't give up and continue waiting, after couple of minutes later the door opens, Yoongi's eyes fixed on Jungkook as he walks in.

Yoongi: Does he pick up?

Jungkook sighed deeply and shaking his head as a no. He been out and trying to calls Taehyung for the past 30 minutes but Taehyung never answer his calls

Yoongi: What you need him for anyway?

Jungkook look over Yoongi as he questioned him. He stayed quiet for a solid minute then he went to sit down beside Yoongi

Jungkook: I feel like Taehyung might knows where Y/n is

Jungkook whispered in a low but loud enough for Yoongi to hear, Yoongi turns to look at Chen who sitting few feet away from them

Yoongi: Let's go talk outside

Jungkook nods his head.

They both walk outside the room and go somewhere else so that Chen won't be able to hear their conversation

Yoongi: Why do you think Taehyung might knows

Jungkook: I don't know, he just acting weird this morning

Yoongi: He's always weird why do you when surprised

Jungkook: No hyung not that weird, it's different type of weird

Yoongi: *Chuckled* What the fuck are you trying to say

Jungkook: Yesterday he didn't come back to the dorm either, when I asked him he said he went to a club and got drunk but you know he don't usually goes out to club unless we go with him

Yoongi: I still don't get it why you think he might knows where Y/n is

Jungkook: Because I heard-

Before Jungkook could finish his speech both him and Yoongi paused and look at each other as they heard a loud noise of Chen's voice coming out from the room "Fucking bastard, where is my sister"

Yoongi: Shit!!

Both of them cursed loudly and rushing back inside the room to see Chen grabs Jimin by his shirt collar, expressing all of his anger out regardless that Jimin is still unconscious.

Jungkook: Bruh you going to kill him

Jungkook increased his pace and harshly pushed Chen away which makes him fell down to floor. Chen got up and clenched his fist, he walks towards Jungkook and punched him on his face harshly

Yoongi on the other hand starts to feel annoyed and irritated, he went to grabs Chen and punch him back just to shoot some sense into him

Yoongi: Get yourself together, don't you fucking see he's barely has his conscious

Chen: I don't care, I'll fucking kill him

Yoongi: Kill him and what? Do you think you will be able to found her sooner if he's gone?

Chen: Shut up Yoongi, she's not your sister of course you don't give a fuck

Yoongi stay silent, he clenched his jaw and his fist fiercely. There are too many words in his mind that he wants to spit out and respond to the statement but he knows if he says it out things will get more complex and he's not in a mood to explain anything right now, so it better for him to just shut up

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