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At the same day, after finished my evening class I came back to our dorm, as soon as i got inside the room I throw myself on the couch feeling exhausted, I been walking all day today looking for my damn classes.

While I'm laying on couch I take my phone out and scrolling through Instagram, not even 3 minutes I start to get bored, the room filled silent.

I sighed and get up from the couch, I brought my books and bag to my room then I came out and went to open the fridge I can only see Jimin's foods oh duh I got here late and have class afterwards, I didn't get chance to go to grocery yet, I frown and pout sadly because I'm starting to hungry, I rubbing my belly and closed the fridge back then I went to grab my phone try to order something.

As I look through my phone about to order some pizza suddenly I heard the door bell rings, I growled and put my phone down then went to open the door there are three girls around my age standing in front of the room, "Wait, I thought this is Jimin's room" one of the girls said, I slightly bow my head and reply "Yes, it is. I am his roommate"

They all roll their eyes and shoved me aside then burst into the room rudely, I shrugged and follow them from behind.

"Jimin" one of the girls shout while walking around, they went to his room and wander around the room looking for him but doesn't seem like Jimin is here, as I'm about to walk to my room I stop when they all raises their voice at the same time "Where's Jimin?"

"I don't know" I replied them and proceeding to my room.

5 minutes later I heard another bell rings, I roll my eyes ball and get up from the bed, I walked to the door lazily and peeking outside saw a bunch of people start coming in, yeah I totally forgot Jimin told me they gonna have party in here.

I closed the door back and come sit down at the bed, I glanced at my phone to look at the time, it's read 8pm, I haven't eat my dinner yet still waiting on my pizza to delivered.

"Ding Dong"

I promptly stand up when I heard the bell rings this time it had to be my pizza because I also got a notification on my phone that the food is here but thinking about walking out from my room give me anxiety, there are a bunch of people out there.

After couple minutes I closed my eyes and take a deep breath then proceed to open the door but as soon as the door open I saw Jimin standing in front of my room with his hand holding a pizza box.

Jimin: You ordered pizza?
Y/n: Uh, yes

He chuckled while keeping his gaze on me, I blushed and try to reach out for the pizza box but he moves his hand back teasing me.

Jimin: Why don't you come outside?
Y/n: I- I don't want to
Jimin: Well, if you want your pizza you need to come get it outside okay, I'll leave it on the counter
Y/n: No no no, please just hand it to me

He smile and shook his head while walking towards the counter and placed my pizza there, I frown, "Why would he do that" I sighed and slowly step out from my room.

I approached the counter and grab my pizza quickly with a huge smile on my face, as i turn around and about to walk back inside my room, I got stopped by a random guy.

This is what he looks like

???: Hey, cutie *smile* Y/n: H- hi

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???: Hey, cutie *smile*
Y/n: H- hi

I stuttered and look away try to walk passed him but he keep moving the same side I did.

???: Can you tell me what's your name?
Y/n: Uhh-
Jimin: Yo, leave my roommate alone bro

We both turn to look at Jimin as he approaching us.

???: This the roommate that you were talking about?
Jimin: Yeah
???: How selfish you are, not even introduce this cutie pie to us

My eyes widened, I started to blushed as he used his point finger poking my cheek gently.

"Is that pizza?" Another guy approached us and took the pizza from my hand.

"It looks delicious can I have some?" he asked and I nodded but I regretted afterwards as more people come took the pizza slice by slice until it all gone they dropped the box on the floor and continue with their party, I was speechless and starin...

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"It looks delicious can I have some?" he asked and I nodded but I regretted afterwards as more people come took the pizza slice by slice until it all gone they dropped the box on the floor and continue with their party, I was speechless and staring at the empty box quietly.

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