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On The Phone

Y/n: Why don't you tell me that I have to live with someone

I yelled at my brother loudly through the phone.

Chen: I'm sorry Y/n, you know I'm very busy I forgot about that

I sighed and throw myself on the bed

Y/n: Do you know that he's a guy?

Chen: Yes, that's the only room available and you was the one dying to go to that uni, said you won't complain about having roommate

Y/n: I don't mind having roommate but he's a guy

Chen: There's nothing wrong with girl and guy being roommate, I have seen many before.

Y/n: But still I don't like it

Chen: It's not like you actually sharing bedroom with him

Y/n: Yeah right?

I roll my eyes, who will be in right mind to let man and woman sharing bedroom

Chen: In your bedroom, I have them set a silent button, if he managed to do anything bad to you just press that button the security will come straight to you. I have to go now, don't forget to call mom and dad let them know that you've arrived safely.

Y/n: Ok

Chen: Focus on school, call me if you need anything.

"Call me if you need anything" Every time I call him, he's always busy

Y/n: K

*Call Ended*

I sighed deeply then threw my phone on the bed, I sit down for a minute then I get up and walk toward the silent button that my brother was talking about, I don't if it a good idea but curiosity always get the best of me, I move one of my hand to press the button but I didn't hear anything or some type of alarming as I expected it would be, how is this thing gonna help me if no body can hear it? He gotta be kidding me

While I just standing there figuring out how the button is working, couple minutes later, my eyes widened when I heard a knock outside the room, I peek from inside my bedroom to see who were there. The guy from earlier is already at the door, my eyes open even bigger when I realize he's talking to the securities, they must came because of that thing that I pressed earlier, fuck, I quickly closed the door back and go sit down on the bed. A moment later I got a knock on my door, I went to open it to see the guy that supposed to be my roommate.

???: Did you called security?

Y/n: I- N- No I didn't

???: But they said they're here for you

Y/n: Really? That weird, hold on let me go check

I chuckled awkwardly and increased my pace towards the door, I walk outside and closed the door tight so the guy couldn't see through

"I'm so sorry" I said while keep bowing my head at the security guards, "I just want to test the silent button and see if it really works"

Security: Oh okay. If there's nothing then we will leave now

Y/n: Ye yeah, sorry about that and thank you for coming 

Security: No problem, stay safe

I nodded and bow at them again, after they left I walk back inside the room and suddenly flinched as I meet the same guy's eyes, he keep staring at me as I walk pass to my room, just as I'm about to open the door he spoke which made my whole body stiffened

???: Why are security guards here?

Y/n: I- I don't know

???: Really?

Y/n: Uhm

He nodded, but I can sense he didn't believe me. Yeah who would believe an idiot like me ugh

???: What your name?

Y/n: M- my name is Y/n, Y/n Kim

???: Why are you stuttered, did I scared you?

Y/n: No, no I just- I'm not good at having conversation with new people

???: What year?

Y/n: Freshmen, what about you?

???: I'm junior

Y/n: And your name is?

He started smiling, I had to admit that his smile is very attractive, it got me blushed and all, I can feel my cheeks burning, this is bad

???: Jimin

What a nice name

Y/n: N nice to know you, I'm really sorry about earlier that I almost hit you

Jimin: Nice to know you too

I stand quietly at the same spot and begin to feel something in my stomach, he just keeps staring at me and smiling flirtatiously. Why is he so fucking hot tho? You bitch, you can't fall for a guy you just met come on.

Jimin: We gonna have party here tonight, just letting you know

Y/n: Okay?

Jimin: You're welcome to join us

Y/n: Uh, no I think I'm good

Jimin: Come on, it will be fun

Y/n: Why are you helding party at the beginning of semester, are they even allowed to have parties in the here?

He chuckles amusingly

Jimin: In here? we partying almost every day

Y/n: Oh god

I whispered quietly

Jimin: Did you say something?

Y/n: N- no

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