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My heart beating rapidly, I was trembling and speechless, don't know what to say then he walks to the kitchen. I start sobbing quietly as he grab a hammer and destroying the vaporizer with his disappointment and anger. After the vape completely damaged, he tossed it in the trash can and walk back to where I am

Chen: You're grounded until Saturday, I'll take you back to Gurye, you not gonna stay here if you gonna behave like this

Y/n: What you mean grounded, I'm fucking 19, why can't I just live my life the way I wanted?

Chen: Because this fucking happened if I let you do whatever you want.

Y/n: I want to stay here, you can't send me back to Gurye

Chen: I will. If you stay here, you will eventually losing yourself one day

Y/n: I have uni that I need to finish

Chen: Now you worry about your future? You should've think when you decided to use that shit too

Y/n: It's just smoking why are you making such a big deal, there are plenty of people on this motherfucking earth smoking.

Chen: Because it fucking bad, don't they teach you in your school?

Y/n: They did but I don't care

Chen: I care! You're my sister, everything that I did and every words that I spat it is because I want you to have good future. There are still many things that you need to accomplish, don't let these stuff distract you and ruin your future. Especially that guy, if you want to stay here you need to listen to me and stop contacting him

Y/n: No!

I replied stubbornly which stir his anger even more, I know he wants the best for me and he's the most caring brother on this planet. I am always thankful for everything and every sacrifice he made for me but I'm adult now I don't want him to interfere in my life too much. I wanna be able to fully express myself, be who I am and live the life I want without getting any judgmental or make my family members disappointed

Me and Chen are completely different since we were young, he's known as a kind, humble and smartest kid while I'm on the opposite. He often received awards in high school for his achievements which I hate it because after he left my parent, teachers and everyone expected me to be like him. And I have no choice but to maintain whatever he was doing just to keep those people that surrounding me happy

Chen: Go pack your stuff, we're leaving tomorrow. I'm not gonna wait until Saturday, eomma and appa need to see what their favorite child had become

With that he walks away, I stand in the same spot for couple minutes trying to gain some energy to walk, this is the first time I have a serious augment with my brother and I've never feel so disappointed in myself like this before

I took a deep breath and walk into my room, I made sure to locked the door as soon as I got inside. I went to sit on the bed and pull my phone out, texting Jimin


What are you doing?


I want to go live with you

How is that?

My brother is annoying

Told you

Can I call?

No, don't

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