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Next Couple Days

I sit quietly in the car right beside Yoongi oppa while he's driving us back to Seoul.

It was only me and him, Chen still staying until next week with his girlfriend so we have to take his car

Yoongi oppa has to go back to work tomorrow that's why he's leaving earlier, I suppose to stay until next week and go back with my brother but I lied to my parent that I have exams just so I can leave with Yoongi

I know I'm such a worthless whore but I just love staying around him, I get attached too easy that's so stupid. But for real I feel like he put love spells on me or something

I wonder if I'm irritating him because he's so quiet since we left my house, maybe he just tired, he drives for an hour and 30 minutes now

I look at his hand that was holding the gear lever then look away. I want to hold his hand but I'm scared he will be annoyed so I just remain silent and look the road

Later I feel something holding my hand, I look over and realize it's Yoongi oppa's hand, I turn to look at him in confusion, he takes my hand and kiss it, I was already blushed so hard since he holds it but I guess he just wants to see me turn into tomatoes at this point

Yoongi: You're ok?
Y/n: Y yes

I stuttering and turn away with my blushed cheeks while he still holding my hand gently

How can he read my mind? Did he knew that I was thinking of holding his hands earlier? Ahh this is quite embarrassing, was I being so obvious?

Whatsoever, I be able to hold his hand that's all matter, while my eyes staring forward at the road I slowly lock my hand and holding his hand back

I know we still have long way to go, but I wish I can spend time with him longer because I don't know what gonna happened when we arrived at Seoul, will his act towards me still gonna be the same or he will treat me like some stranger or just his friend's sister

Does he somehow has feelings for me? Or he just bored and lonely

I want to ask him directly But I'm scared of the answer

I can't have my heart broken again.

Time Skip

Couple hours later we finally arrived at the dorm, after Yoongi parked the car, I let go of his hand and went to get my bag

Yoongi: Let me help
Y/n: It's okay oppa, I only have 2 of them, you must be tired you should go back and rest
Yoongi: Aight then

I smile and waved at him as he go back inside the car

Y/n: Thank you for letting me tagged along

He smile and nodded, as I'm about to walking inside the building, I heard he called my name, I turn around and approached the car once again

Y/n: Yes oppa?
Yoongi: Come closer

I come closer and crouch down waiting for him to say something but all he does is smiling silently, just as I'm about to stand up straight he spoke

Yoongi: Kiss?
Y/n: Oh uhh *Blushed*

I turn left and right, back and forth to see if there people but no one is around so I quickly give him a kiss on his cheek and again about to leave

Yoongi: Ah that not enough come back
Y/n: But-
Yoongi: Get back here

I sigh and went back to him, he cups my face and then gently nibbling my lip

Y/n: Oppa people can see us
Yoongi: And?
Y/n: It's not inappropriate
Yoongi: One more and I'll let you go
Y/n: Fine but quickly

He chuckled and kiss my lip again for a minute then he finally let me go inside

Jimin's Pov

As I walk outside to the balcony to smoke I saw Y/n's back entering the building, she came back already? Fuck! She can't see the messed I did in her room.

But at the same time that not something I should hide, she deserves to see what she had done to me right?

Everyday I have to go to her room and jerk off about her fucking tightness, I want to fuck her so bad, I want to hear her cry and begging me to fuck her harder, the way she screams my name it's such a pleasure

Fuck what was I thinking, she gonna be here in minutes, I need to hurry clean the fucking room.

I leave the balcony and about to go inside Y/n's room but I stop in one spot when I heard the door opening, damn it, she's here, I stiff as she walking in she wasn't look at me but I really want to give her kisses all over her body

While I still staring at her, she walk passed me and about to enter her room

Jimin: Hey

She stopped and remains silent for couple seconds before she replied

Y/n: Hey

While her back is facing me, she continue opening her room and walk in, I stay quietly waiting for her reaction when she saw the room.

A moment later I hear she's muttered about the messed lowly, I just sit down on the couch and try not to be suspicious, well I plan to clean it but you came back unexpected early so... I'm sorry babe

Y/n: I remember I cleaned it before I left

I can still hear she's whining while try to clean her room, I get up from the couch and approached her

Jimin: Is everything okay?
Y/n: Yeah

Eventually I went in her room and help her clean up, she looks a bit different here, maybe because of her frown face, though we're in the same room and I'm this close to her but somehow I feel like she's still so far away from me.

Jimin: I thought I heard your brother said you guys will come back next week
Y/n: Yeah but I have exams
Jimin: Oh I see

Y/n: You don't have to do this
Jimin: It's okay let me help

I continue helping her until the room is cleaned then she starts unpacking her stuff and bring her clothes back to the closet, meanwhile I just sit on the bed and staring her quietly

Hi guys!!! Thank for reading please don't forget to VOTE for it :))


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