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A week later...

Today is the first day I come back to classes since what happened, I asked my brother to take a week off because I was scared to go back if Jimin really gonna upload our tape but I'm surprised that I didn't hear anything, when I arrived at the campus everything just look the same like it normally be, I assume Jimin hasn't done anything yet

Talk about Jimin I didn't hear anything from him neither, I know I shouldn't care about him and let it go, he got what he deserves but deeply inside I still hoping he's okay

Come to break time, I wrap up my stuff and put them in my bag then I get up and leaving the room, while walking in the hallway I met Sana, she smiling and waving at me, I smile softly and make my way towards her

Sana: Hey Y/n

Y/n: Hi

Sana: Are you okay?

She asks with a worry expression

Y/n: Yeah

She sigh and hug me

Sana: What you want to eat I'll treat you today

Y/n: Thank you but I'm not hungry

Sana: What? Come on just tell me

I shaking my head

Y/n: I'm good Sana, I think I'll go to the library

Sana: Not cafeteria? Why?

Y/n: I have to do my assignments they all come close to due date and I haven't start any

Sana: Do you need help?

Y/n: No I think I got it thank you though

She sigh again and nod her head lightly, I smile at her and leave to the library.

Next day

I came to the library again, I been sitting here for an hour and half now but still haven't start any work, I know I'm running out of time but my head can't think of anything, I was too distracted by wondering what is happening with Jimin, I didn't see him all day yesterday and today too, although our university is very big but I seem to see him quite often back then unlike now even though I went to the place that he usually goes at his break time but still didn't see him, I only saw Jungkook, Taehyung and their other friends.

Y/n: That's good I hope you vanished from my life and never come back again

I quietly muttered and shook it off then open my laptop and start doing my assignments, I'm felling way behind now I can't just wasted my time thinking about that sick bastard

Time skip

After finished my last class, I came outside the building and saw my brother already here to pick me up

Chen: How is your day spoiled brat?

Y/n: Good

Although I feel really bad for my brother that he has to drive like an hour to drop me off and pick me up every day at the campus but I have no other choice, I hope one day I will make him proud and be able to return him everything that he gave and did for me

While driving back to my brother's condominium, we stopped at the red light, I turn to the side and look through the window I secretly smile to myself when I saw the restaurant that me and Yoongi oppa went last week

As I keep looking the restaurant my smile slowly disappear when I see Yoongi oppa coming out from the entrance with a girl, it was the same girl that we met last week that he said she was his ex

My eyes start getting watery as I watch them kiss and wrap their arms around each other then they both get inside his car and the green light comes, I turn to face forwards and sit quietly, my heart aching, it likes someone keeps stabbing it with a tiny needle

Chen: What happened?

My brother spare me a glance while continues driving

Y/n: Nothing

Chen: You hungry?

I shook my head and sit back quietly. About 30 minutes later we arrived at my brother's condo, I get out from his car and heading to the room first while Chen still grabbing his stuff

Few hours later

After I took shower and put on my pajamas I grab one towel and start drying my hair while walking outside to see what my brother cook but as soon as I arrived at the living room I quickly stop and step back when I saw Yoongi oppa sitting on the couch and there's my brother walking back from the kitchen with his hands holding two can of beers, he tossed one to Yoongi oppa and then sit down on the couch

I went behind the wall and stand there quietly listening to them talking

Yoongi: You said you want a new condo?

Chen: Yeah

Yoongi: Why? This one is nice tho

Chen: I know but I just want a new one that close to Y/n's campus, it will be more easy for me, it really too much to drive back and forth from her campus to here

Yoongi: I see

Chen: She said she can takes a bus but I don't want that it too dangerous for her and it probably takes much more time to get there

Yoongi: True

Chen: If I can't find a new place within next month I might have to find and enroll her in a new collage back in our city, over there will be more safer for her

Yoongi: Didn't you say this one is her favorite college

Chen: Yeah but I really don't have any other choice dude, if I have to go to work late and get out early everyday boss not gonna like that, you know him

Yoongi: Yeah...

Yoongi: I mean my house is pretty close to her campus, she can comes live with me first I will drop her off and pick her up until you found a new place

Chen: Nah it's okay I don't want to create a burden for you but I really appreciate you bro thanks

Yoongi: I really don't mind tho, I don't have much work to do anyway

I keep staring at my brother as he stay quietly, he probably debating, I know Yoongi oppa is nice and good person but hope Chen says no

Chen: Umm I might have to talk to her first

Yoongi: Yeah of course


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