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It's 7 pm in evening, Taehyung just got back from the grocery, you're sitting on the bed watching him walk passed you to the kitchen quietly. His hand holding few groceries bags and some foods, after organized them in the fridge he walks back to you and unchain your ankle.

He escorts you to the dining table and served you your dinner, you only take few bites then put all the foods away, not because you weren't hungry but you just don't feel like eating in this kind of situation and you were still worry about Jimin also. It been almost one day you been missing, you're pretty sure that your whole family are panicking and busy looking for you by now.

Be the youngest, you're like the apple of their eyes, now you're feeling bad for not listening to your brother, you always causing problems and made your family disappointed, all they want is for you to have a bright future and achieve your goals but you just ruined everything that they've built for you.

Your brother works hard to send you to a good and university of your dream, all of his efforts are meaningless. You don't know if you still be able to go back to your family and fix thing up, you don't know what Taehyung will do to you, he looks like a harmless person but you never know what he's thinking and planning inside his head

He is insanely out of his mind, you still can't believe that he's almost killed his own friends, guess what people said was right about the most dangerous person is always the one around you.

You can't blame anyone else but yourself for made things turn out like this. You're vulnerable and easily influenced, you trusting people that you barely know and let them get into you. If you decide to not get to know Jimin that day and keep distant from him and his friends this will never happened, you will be able to focus on your education, be an obedient daughter to your parent and do whatever that will make them proud even if it not who you are but at least you make them happy and Jimin will never get hurt because of you.

You just want to go back and make a sincere apologize to your family for your behavior especially to your brother, he has done so much more for you but what he get in return is your ungrateful bratty behavior. You just hoping that you get a chance to say sorry to him again from the bottom of your heart after that you wouldn't care if anything will to happen to you.


On the next day Jimin finally has his conscious back. After adjusted his vision to the brightness, his eyes starts wandering around the room in confusion then he saw Jungkook who standing with his arms crossed and staring back at him

Jungkook: Feeling good papi?

Jimin: Feeling good my ass

He grunts in pain, Jungkook chuckled and quickly went to help him as he trying to sit up

Jimin: What happened?

Jungkook: You don't remember what happened?

Jimin becomes silent for a minute trying to recall his memories

Jimin: I do but- Y/n, where she is

Jungkook: We were gonna ask you the same question

Jimin: What you mean

Jungkook: Because she went missing on the same day you got into accident

Jimin: She was with me in the car

Jungkook: She was?

Jimin: Yeah

Jungkook: How come they only found you, was she got out before the accident

Jimin: No she didn't, we were there together, even after the crash I still feel she's holding my arm

Jungkook: Or maybe she got lost while go find someone to help you, you know that not our area and it pretty far from people house, she probably end up somewhere and didn't know how to get back

Jimin: She's not stupid like you idiot, she could have make a call

Jungkook: Well, where you think she is then

Jimin: Listen, I don't fucking know but I need to go find her

Jungkook: Yeah we will talk about that once you get better and be ready for her brother, that dude is mad as fuck

Jimin: Mad at who

Jungkook: You obviously

Jimin: Fucking joke, he's the reason this happened. Him and Y/n had a fight that day that's why she doesn't want to live with him anymore and asked me to run away together

Jungkook: And you agreed? You're one idiot, angry people will say and do literally anything but think, running away it's not gonna solve the problem between her and her brother instead it will make things worse just like this. You could've just calm her down and tell her to try to talk to her brother again

Jungkook and Jimin has to stop in the middle of their conversation because they were interrupted by Jimin's parent that come visit him. Jungkook stay accompany them for another 30 minutes then he went back to his dorm to rest and do his things

When he arrived he noticed the door in Taehyung's room was open, he's peeking through the gap and see Taehyung shoving his clothes in a backpack, look like he's going somewhere again, he didn't come back last night either, Jungkook couldn't help but to curious what is up with him because he been acting very odd and secretive recently

As Jungkook went to open to the wider, Taehyung flinched and turn to look at Jungkook with his annoyance and unimpressed eyes

Taehyung: Can you knock? Fuck

Jungkook: Where the fuck are you going

Taehyung let out an annoying sigh and continue packing

Taehyung: I'm going back to Daegu to spend time with my family this break

Jungkook: Suddenly? The break is next week

Taehyung: Yeah and what's your problem

Jungkook: None, did you know Y/n is missing

Taehyung: No

Jungkook: Well now you know

Taehyung: What you want me to do about it

Jungkook: I didn't say you should do something, just letting you know since you guys used to be close

Taehyung: Right, let me know again when she's found

While observing the room Jungkook's eyes coincidentally landed at a clothes pile on the couch, he see some of them were female's clothes, they all seem brand new and still has tags on them which left him silent and doubting why Taehyung bought those. When Taehyung noticed where Jungkook is staring he quickly grabs another bag then walk straight to the couch and put all of the clothes in the bag

Jungkook: Why you bought so many girl's clothes, I didn't know you change your style but I think they all too small for you

Jungkook tease him playfully

Taehyung: Fuck off, they're for my sister, I don't know what to get her

Jungkook: Ohhh

Jungkook nodded his head and walk outside to the living room meanwhile Taehyung hurry up finishing whatever he was doing and leave the dorm right away.

A/n: If I was Jimin I would start singing "Everybody wanna steal my girl, everybody wanna take her heart away, couple billion in the whole wide world, find another one cuz she belongs to me" lmao


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