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Yoongi's Pov

I brought her back to the same restaurant that we went on our first date. It was just last month that I met and get to know her, isn't it crazy how so many things happened in such a short time and I can't believe how did we ended up here, in this uncomfortable situation where we both don't even dare to look at each other in the eyes anymore. Although I already saw it coming.

She's not the prettiest girl I ever met and there's nothing so special about her. Right. She just likes one of many girls that I randomly play with to ease my loneliness and when I'm bored, hundred percent no feeling involved. But no matter how many times I remind myself that, it still didn't erase the fact that she's the best I ever have. I do really feel something deeper for her and before I realized, it was already too late. There is no turning back now.

It's ridiculous and uneven because for her I'm only temporary

Always a man with dignity, never let anyone come in too close to me and playing with my heart. I remember so well how heartbroken taste like. It wasn't easy.

Y/n: Oppa?

I was just staring at her quietly then I snapped back to reality when I heard her soft voice

Yoongi: Yeah?

Y/n: Foods are ready

She tell me. I observed the table then look at her again and cleared my throat

Waitress: Is there anything else I can get for you guys?

Yoongi: You want anything else?

I asked and she shook her head. The waitress left us alone after I told her that we're good.

An hour later we finish our food and left the restaurant. During our way back to Chen's condo we both just sitting quietly, it was like this since the restaurant. As soon as we arrived in front the building she was so ready to leave but I grab her wrist stopping her which make her sit back and turning towards me

Yoongi: Thanks for coming

She remains silent. I look at my hand that was holding her wrist tightly then I brought her hand close to my face and kiss it gently. Acknowledge I didn't treated her right. My intention was to shatter her heart before she even get a chance to break mine but I guess I underestimated her too much because in the end I'm the one that hurts most.

I'm not gonna ask her to stay or choose me over him because she wouldn't. He's someone special to her while I'm clearly not important but I just want her to know that I'm still an option if she ever wants to change her mind

Yoongi: Is it too much to ask for a kiss?

I asked lowly while staring into the pairs of her eyes as they start to welling up. I wait for few seconds but didn't get any response. It must be hard for her to answer, so I don't blame. It doesn't what her answer is, all I want is to feel her kiss again even if it going to be a last one.

As I slowly move my face towards her, she closed her eyes tight, I won't hesitate to connect our lips but I just want admiring her face as much as possible while I still have opportunity. I gently kiss the corner of her lip and inhale the texture of her cheeks

After planting kisses all over her face, she open her eyes and look at me with an unsure and guilty face. Just as she about to say something I immediately cut her off by kissing her lip roughly, she was put back to silent, a second later she begins to respond to my kiss

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