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My whole body was stiffened. I gulped while looking at my mother who is as shock as I am.

Y/n: W- what are you doing here eomma?

I stuttering while moving my hands around, fixing my clothes nervously.

Mom: I was looking for you. Why in the world are you in there?

Y/n: I- I was just- ouch eomma!

I exclaimed at the stinging sensation as she pinched my arm and pulls me out of the room, I roll my eyes as she continues dragging me to the kitchen. She sit me down on the chair while she still standing and crossed her arms in front of me. Her gaze piercing my skin, I sit quietly, this doesn't look good at all. After couple seconds of silence, I exclaimed again when she pulls me up and starts spanking my butt with her bare hand

Y/n: Eomma it's hurt

It wasn't that hurt but I love being dramatic for no reason

Mom: Good, now tell me why are you in that room?

Y/n: I just went in there to wake him up, that's all

Mom: Don't lie to me Y/n

Y/n: I didn't eomma

She starts spanking me again but harder than before. I know she didn't believe me, I'm such a bad liar.

Y/n: Eomma stop, you're really hurting me now

Mom: Since you were born I never lay my hand on you Kim Y/n, not even a bit, that's why you become the person you're right now. I told you how many times to always be respectable and value your femininity

Y/n: Eomma it's not even that big deal

I whine annoyingly

Mom: It is a big deal, look what you dressed. How can you walk into guy's room like this?

Y/n: Like what eomma? Don't worry that he will see my skin, he already saw more than this

Shit!, I quickly covered my mouth as she gasp in shock

Mom: What did you just say?

Y/n: Nothing

As I tried to walk away, she grabs my wrist and starts spanking my butt again for the third time

Y/n: Ouch eomma!

Mom: You're really out of hand Kim Y/n, no wonder your brother wants to send you back. What with that boy? Did you already did something you're not supposed to with him?

Y/n: What thing?

Mom: You know what I mean

Y/n: I don't-

She raised her hand and about to hit me again but I quickly stopped her by giving her the answer she wanted

Y/n: Y- Yes I did

The tears of disappointment immediately falling from her eyes, she let go of my wrist and sit down on the chair. My eyes also shimmering with tears as I heard she sobbing 

Y/n: Eomma

I gently placed my hand on her shoulder to comfort her but she shoved it off which breaking my heart

Mom: Did eomma and appa raised you wrong? Why are you so different from your brother?

Y/n: I'm sorry

Mom: You didn't only disrespected yourself but you're also disrespected eomma and appa to done something shameful and inglorious like that

Y/n: It's not something inglorious, you and appa did it too

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