Sorting things out

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-Ahri POV-

Me: What are you doing here?

Akali: We came here with (Y/N) for the visit.

Evelynn: He asked me for help in this because there wasn't any kind of transport for them. I got a bus for them and decided to give these kids a surprise.

That's... a really nice gesture, especially coming from her.

Me: Did you have a plan for the rest of the day?

Evelynn: I think that good old convivence with fans would be enough for the day, of course, I'm planning on helping here in the orphanage as much as I can.

Akali: Same here.

I looked at them with a smile on my face, I'm really touched by this, even if it wasn't planned to be this way exactly. But going back to the organization, today was going to have a big ceremony at night with a small talent show from the kids, as it used to be when I was a kid. But that wouldn't be the end, not this time. Mom always wanted to make this an even bigger event for the kids in here, something like a small fair for them to have fun and celebrate those who have been accepted into a new family and give hope to those that were still waiting.

And I'm making that a reality.

Although, making it possible today would be practically impossible, tomorrow however... I'll consult with her, and I'll request the invaluable help of the best member of the KDA staff. (Y/N)'s abilities will come in handy here, and I don't think Kayle would be opposed to him helping orphans. It's the perfect emotional blackmail, NO ONE that has a heart would oppose to help an orphan in need.

Me: Alright girls, we're turning this anniversary into something even better than Christmas.

Surprise covered their faces, and I can't blame them, but I'm already resolved here.

Me: This is going to be the plan.


-(Y/N) POV-

One would think that controlling an entire class of high schoolers sophomores and one girl with an inflated ego, would be a difficult task, but having dealt with little Zoe and Iris... and now 4 Pop Stars, has hardened my wits and endurance to this kind of situation.

First part of the visit was going to be a guided tour of the place, and participation on some of the activities of the institution if the opportunity arises. The idea is for this little group to empathize and fraternize with the orphan kids, to give both sides a perspective of the other side of their situation.

But since these are 13/14 years old kids, they might get rude with the younglings in the place, so my work, and Mrs. Soraka's, is to prevent conflicts and make sure everyone gets along or at least tolerate each other.

Now, we were standing in one of the frontal gardens of the institution, waiting for our guide to arrive. And to my surprise, the ones who came out of the building where none other than Ahri and that caretaker she was with minutes earlier.

Gotta say, it might be a little hard acting like I don't know Ahri in a personal level. Even when we acted in front of Mrs. Laurent, we did it as if we were lovers expecting to marry each other...

What a dream that would be...


Focus (Y/N)! Right now, it's not the moment to fantasize about something like that!

I lightly slapped my cheeks to wake me up from my daydream and turned to see our guides.

Caretaker: Greetings everyone, my name is Selene and today I'll be your tour guide around our lovely institution.

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