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Marcus was walking through the party, feeling especially happy now that he had the upper hand in his plans to take a place in the Lightshield family. It was a dirty trick, but sometimes it's a necessary course of action.

He was simply enjoying his time at the party, expecting the moment to go to the news and share his audio. It was gonna ruin a man's life, sure, but things like that happen every day, it wasn't something that would take away his sleep.

Meanwhile, Shyvana and (Y/N) were walking together in the party, separated from the group of idols and the kids, acting as if nothing was out of place.

Or at least trying in Shyvana's case.

(Y/N): Relax, everything will be fine.

Shyvana: You have a lot of trust in those women.

(Y/N): Because I know them.

Shyvana: Do you really?

(Y/N): Yeah, I've been living with them for a while already.

Shyvana: And how much do you know about their lives, have they trusted you with that?

(Y/N): I don't really think that's absolutely necessary, I know Ahri very well, and some of Evelynn too. Although I really don't know much about Akali, I think...

Shyvana: You think?

(Y/N): It's just, you might think I'm crazy but, I think I used to play with her when we were kids. But I'm not sure. Some time ago, I asked her if her last name was Kinkou, and she said yes.

Shyvana: I don't think I follow you, what does the Kinkou family have to do with this?

(Y/N): Well she is part of them, but... I've seen some legal documents while helping around the house, specifically in Evelynn's room. She goes by the full name of Akali Jhomen Tethi.

Shyvana: She got rid of her family's last name then.

(Y/N): Yeah, I mean, I'm almost sure she is the same kid I met back then. It's hard to not see it. However, she also seems to not recognize me.

Shyvana: Did you change your name too?

(Y/N): *chuckles* No, no. But there's also the thing, if she went by a different name, one that I assume would be the last name of one of her parents before marriage, why would she recognize and accept the name Kinkou so nonchalantly?

Shyvana: Well, she obviously wants to get rid of her family's influence on her life. Or at least that's the conclusion I came upon just by hearing this. Will you confront her about it?

(Y/N): I don't see why I should, we get along just fine the way things are right now. And with you now being a part of my worries, I don't think a family drama is what I want to get involved into.

Shyvana: And if they come for her, would you act?

This left him thinking for a moment, if it was for Ahri, Iris or one of the kids, he was sure he would face anything, even making an enemy of the world if it was necessary. But... for Akali? Would he face the entire Kinkou family? He definitely appreciated her, and she was a cool friend. Part of the KDA family, but if it came down to that, he wasn't sure.

(Y/N): I'm not sure, I probably would just because I don't know when to back off haha.

Shyvana: And for Seraphine?

(Y/N): Why you ask?

Shyvana: You were staying with her, and not with those idols, you must have a reason, are you two dating?

(Y/N): No, we are not, I was staying with her because of... how to explain this, would you laugh if I told you I was protecting her from a ghost?

Shyvana: Uuhhh...

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