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-Sona POV-

I was currently looking at a big screen in the middle of the park, along with most of the people that were visiting the place. Ahri was at my side, really excited for what the screen was about to display.

Then, a man started to speak through the megaphones of the park.

Presenter: Listen here dear visitors, looks like another brave young man had decided to challenge the sheer heart attack!

Crowd: Ooooooohhhhhhh!

Presenter: The name of the challenger is (Y/N) (L/N)! You probably know the rules, but in case you don't, let's give them a check. The objective is to reach the end of the slide using one of the "vehicles" we provide to you. However, it's not as easy as you might imagine. Since this isn't a normal slide, there are several obstacles all the way through. Not that many people have finished this course until now, just today another man tried and the result was not that encouraging.

Ahri: What does he mean?

Me: I saw someone flying out of the slide earlier.

Ahri: Flying out?

She showed some concern while looking back at the screen.

Me: Worried about him?

I asked in a teasing tone. She's always the one who teases me when it comes to not just to men, but practically everything. Seeing her relationship with (Y/N), it might mean a chance for me to return the favor and make her stutter a little.

Ahri: Of course I am.

What a moment to be honest, don't you think?

Me: W-why though? I-I think it's pretty safe.

Ahri: I mean, yeah, it should be. But still, look at what happened with you.

She's got a point there, they weren't fast enough to save me after all. If it wasn't for him being around when it happened I would be...

I owe him so much in so little time that I don't know if I would ever be able to repay him.

"You were going to say something like "how could I ever repay you?" weren't you? Well then, here comes some advice: don't. Because I don't care. I healed you just because, don't give me so much credit. It was just a fortunate moment for you."

He really didn't seem to care about what he did for me, like it was just an everyday situation. Wait, considering his ability, that probably is an everyday situation.

However, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the presenter's voice.

Presenter: Now tell me young man, what will be your choice?

He said while the camera was being directed to the optional "vehicles" you can use on the slide. All of them were made to hover around half feet over the ground, these being a skateboard, some skates and a bike. None of them had actually wheels of course.

Ahri: What are those called again?

Me: If I remember correctly, I think it was X-treme gears.

Ahri: What kind of name is that?

Me: It's the trademark.

We both directed our gazes back to the screen, seeing (Y/N) choosing the skates. Some people started to mumble their opinions about the matter, some guys saying that they would have chosen the skateboard, others saying that the whole thing would be easier with the bike since it was the most stable of the three. Ahri and I just decided to stay quiet and watch what (Y/N) was planning.

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