Lustful shadows

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-Third person POV-

Inside of the small gym in the KDA house, there was the image of a silver-haired woman lifting a considerably heavy weight with her right hand, while holding a cup of coffee on her left one. Kayle was looking at (Y/N) do his daily exercise routine; he was currently running on the treadmill, while she was doing her own routine. Although she didn't really live in the same place as the pop group and her "objective", she started to rent a department in the same building, doing constant visits to the house to check on the young man.

The girls still were trying to get used to her presence there, given that she wasn't so eager to talk with them, but an effort was being made at least. But regarding her position as (Y/N)'s watcher.

Kayle: You came home after the hour I told you yesterday.

(Y/N): I'm sorry mom.

Kayle: Call me that again and I'll pour this coffee in your pants.

(Y/N): Alright, chill. I had to help the girls to set up some things on the orphanage, and we also had to set up a place for my sister's class to stay for the night.

She raised an eyebrown for a moment, but didn't actually questioned his explanation, rather, she confirmed his plans for the day.

Kayle: You are returning to the orphanage today, right?

(Y/N): Yep, Ahri planned a whole little festival for the kids.

Kayle: That's a curious way to use her money.

(Y/N): Yeah, I know she has a lot of it anyways. But even that can run out of if she just spends it carelessly like she has been doing lately. She seems to not care at all when it is to make others happy, she didn't care at all when she took me to that little trip after all.

He kept thinking about the fox woman's habits, questioning himself on how to make her mind herself a little more. Until Kayle interrupted his thoughts.

Kayle: It looks like you found a really good woman this time.

Knowing what she meant with this, he answered with a clear tone.

(Y/N): She's taken, so I'm not trying anything on her, although I can't say I don't have feelings for her.

Kayle: Does she knows?

(Y/N): She can see other's emotions and that kind of magic stuff, of course she knows.

Kayle: You seem to be really calm about it.

(Y/N): I'm not a high schooler worried about confessing to his crush.

Kayle: Fair enough. With that out of the way though, let's focus on what's going on today. I am going to accompany you to the orphanage.

(Y/N): Really?

Kayle: You came home late last night, even when I told you not to do so. I'm making sure you don't run off to do who knows what because someone asked you to be a nice guy.

(Y/N): I'm not that simple, am I?

The police woman just raised and eyebrow while taking a sip from her coffee.

(Y/N): Don't look at me like that.

Kayle: You risked your life for a woman you barely knew.

(Y/N): How many times are you going to say that? I didn't do it for her... I just lost control over myself.

Kayle: We both know you didn't care enough about your own life to do something like that.

The guy put a stop to the treadmill, staying in his place in silence. Kayle could only look at the ground, mentally scolding herself from bringing such a harsh truth to the light like it was nothing. But much to her surprise, the guy wasn't that shaken about it.

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