Vet visit

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-Seraphine POV-

I was currently walking back and forth in my apartment with different clothing styles ready, not really being able to decide which one I should use. Classes ended for both (Y/N) and me, and the plan for today was to take the cat to the vet...And I can't help but to feel incredibly nervous, this is the first time I go out with a guy somewhere and-

Cat: Meow!

Me: I know it's not a date!

Cat: Meow.

Me: What? no, of course I worry about your wellbeing, that's the whole point of what we are doing today.

Cat: Meeeeoooow.

Me: I mean of course, but you also have to understand that I'm rightfully nervous about this.

Cat: Meow.

Me: I know it's not a date!-


The sound of my doorbell interrupted my "conversation" with the cat.

Me: It must be him! and I'm not even dressed yet!

I quickly picked some normal jeans and a blouse with some frills on it. It was simple, but it was definitely good because of that. With no more time to think on what to wear, I also grabbed a pair of open shoes, no high heels of course, and rolled along with it.

I dressed up quickly and walked to the main door, followed by the limping cat. I stopped for a moment and turned to see him, lifting him up and carrying him with me. He seemed surprised for a moment, but I just smiled at him and kept moving to the main door.

As I finally stood in front of the door, I heard (Y/N)'s voice coming from the other side of the door.

(Y/N): Tamales! Get your delicious tamales!

I opened the door while chuckling at him, receiving a calm smile in return.

Me: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, I actually brought some tamales, have you tried them before?

He said while holding up a plastic bag with food inside.

(Y/N): My treat.

Me: Wait, but aren't you also paying for the vet today?

I said while looking at the cat in my arms, he just reached out his hand and petted the kitten before gesturing to me with his head to follow him.

(Y/N): Honestly, I earn so much money in my job that I don't know what to do with it...

Me: Really? So I guess you- Oh right, I forgot about it yesterday!

I handed him the cat and walked back to my room, getting to my backpack and opening it, seeing the depressing sight of my laptop completely ruined. I grabbed my backpack and then walked back towards the entrance, (Y/N) now had the cat on the top of his head, both looked very comfortable like this.

Me: I'm back, I just remembered that I didn't hand you my laptop yesterday. You know, to get it fixed.

(Y/N): Oh right, forgot about that. Guess I'll take this to be repaired later, and changing topics a little, do you have a carrier cage for the cat?

Me: Uhmm... no?

(Y/N): *Sigh* Thought so, so it's a good thing I didn't bring the bike. But at the same time, I expected to not need to use the car...

Me: Why not?

He just prompted me to follow him, as I closed my door and locked it, we both walked to the stairs of the apartment complex. I lived on the second floor of the building, and it only had 4 floors, all the apartments had their fronts facing the street. It was a small and modest place, not like I could afford anything more, I sometimes barely reach the end of the month with the salary I get from the cafe where I work.

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