New friends?

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-Hu Tao POV-

This has turned into a very interesting situation.

Adam: You adopted two kids? Just like that?

Ahri: Yeah, the situation turned into that all of a sudden, but I don't regret this.

Right now, Zhu Hong was comfortably sitting in her lap. Despite being 8 years old already, he was acting like a kid half his age, being spoiled by the fox woman with cookies and head pats. Guess he simply feels good around her... It'll take some time for both of us to accept her as our mother though; honestly, I would feel better with (Y/N) being the one adopting us, but since he actually can't do that... I'll have to conform with him still living with us and acting as a big brother.

He is not that much older than me, he is just 6 years older actually and yet, the way I feel when I'm around him, is similar to what I used to feel with my gramps...

Little Zhu feels the same to a certain extent.

Still, remembering how (Y/N) instantly decided to destroy his own arm instead of hurting me, it makes me wonder what is he willing to do to protect those he deeply cares for. And it makes me wonder, what is my new mother willing to give for us?

Adam: So, this (Y/N), he sounds like a good guy honestly. I'm glad you found a good friend to rely on outside of KDA.

Ahri: Yeah, he is great, I'm sure you two would be great friends too.

Adam: And you're saying he is a powerless person, right? Even with that setback, he has reached such a good position in life. Sounds like he deserves it.

Me: He absolutely deserves it.

I said with a big smile on my face. Honestly, I would rather (Y/N) to be Ahri's boyfriend so he can turn into our father sooner or later. Whoever this pretty boy is, he's going to have a hard time earning our trust. For now, I absolutely don't approve him as a prospect to be our father.

Adam: You seem to think highly of him.

Me: I've seen who he is, and who he was, what he went through... I honestly think he would be a great father for us, mom.

I said with the most innocent smile I could give. Ahri made a little skip in her seat and turned to see me with a forced smile, clearly showing her discontent with my comment.

Ahri: Hu Tao please, I know what you mean by that and I don't find it funny at all.

Hu Tao: I never intended for it to be funny.

Little Zhu stopped eating his cookie and looked at Ahri and me exchanging glares, while Adam seemed to be getting nervous about this little confrontation. Until the sound of Ahri's phone getting a notification interrupted us. She sighed for a moment before checking her phone, and then she froze in place, giving the phone a death glare for a moment before shaking her head and taking a deep breath to return to normal...

Adam: Is there something wrong?

Ahri: No, not at all, just Akali being Akali. But right now, why don't we-

She was interrupted by the sound of the door opening with force, the person responsible for this was no other than Evelynn, entering in a hurried manner.

Evelynn: I'm going out of the office, I'll leave everything to you, bye.

Ahri: Wait! What do you mean!? Where are you going!?

She stopped for a moment before turning around with her phone in her hand, showing the screen to Ahri.

Evelynn: (Y/N) is flirting with a girl, gotta go mark my territory, bye!

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