Moving day

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-Iris POV-

Grandma: Oh well. I see that you have a lot of things to talk about, so I'll return to the shop. Have fun, Iris. Oh, and don't be too rude to the poor (Y/N), he is a close friend after all.

Me: Don't worry nanna, I'm going to be gentle.

I could hear (Y/N) gulping loudly at my side.

Ahri: Awkward moment~

Akali: I'll go inside to get what we need for breakfast.

Kai'sa: I'll go with you, I need some... juice! I'll get some juice to start the morning.

Evelynn: I just don't want to be dragged into this.

The four women ran away from the situation and entered in the store, leaving me alone with (Y/N).

(Y/N): Okay then, come to my apartment. We'll discuss this there while having breakfast; I'm starving.

I was about to say no, but...


My stomach growled like a wild animal.

Me: *sigh* Why not, I love your cooking after all.

(Y/N): Thanks.

He started to walk off to his apartment. I followed him closely, starting the conversation.

Me: So, would you be kind enough to tell me why you are so familiar with my favorite pop stars?

(Y/N): A lot of things happened since the concert. The important thing is that I'm going to be working for them from now on.

Me: You're going to do what!? How did they hire you!? And for what exactly!?

(Y/N): Calm down, I'm just going to help them with keeping their house clean. And let me tell you, they are living disasters.

I noticed something in his eyes, like he was remembering something horrible. I'll take his word this time.

We stayed silent until we reached the building where his apartment was. We approached the door, and I started another small talk.

Me: Were you planning on telling me?

He stopped for a moment, and then turned to me with a complicated expression.

(Y/N): I was considering it, as you are my best *cough* only *cough* friend. I thought that you were the only one that I'll would tell about it.

I chuckled a little to this and gave him a look.

Me: Well, uhhhmmm, Evelynn said something about you and Akali that...

He averted his gaze immediately!

I made an amused expression and leaned closer to him.

Me: I'm glad to see that the little gift I gave you the day before the concert came in handy.

(Y/N): I still wonder what you were planning to do with those, since you gave them to me right after I invited you to the concert.

Me: I was planning to make that little joke to you anyway. It just happened to be a convenient moment.

As we were talking about that, I heard steps on the stairs. I recognized the sound of heels. I guess they had arrived.

I saw Ahri holding all the bags with her arms, and even some of her tails. However, I noticed that the other three were looking at her with slightly concerned faces, as if they didn't like to see her that way. I was about to go and help her but (Y/N) was faster.

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