Going to far?

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-Ahri POV-

Did I go too far...?

Nah, this is payback for the little prank he pulled on me this morning.

Apparently that woman he brought to the house is his doyenne. Even though she is indeed a beautiful woman, I'm still better. I can assure you that.

But he seems to be very aware of her appearance, something that I really don't like. She's not that of a big deal anyway.

(Y/N): Mrs... I mean, Fiora. T-this is where I live now. Fancy, don't you think?

Fiora: Isn't it a little bit...

She made a slightly disgusted expression. Hearing this, (Y/N) turned around and saw the room with his eyes wide open. Then he looked at me with an annoyed expression.

Me: A-Akali and I, well, like.. we... watched a movie in here, and, y-you know that a movie isn't a movie without snacks, right? So, we got some.

(Y/N): Care to explain how you managed to get that on the roof?

He pointed upwards, with a deadpan look in his eyes. Both the exuberant woman and I looked to the ceiling to see a slice of pizza stuck there.

Me: It was a horror movie! I got scared...

(Y/N): I thought you were on a really strict diet.

Me: Ooouuuu...

(Y/N): You completely forgot, right?

Me: It wasn't much! It's not that bad!

(Y/N): There is four empty pizza boxes scattered on the ground! How does all that even fit in you!?

Me: What kind of question is that!?

Busty woman: S-should I leave you alone with your marital discussion?

We both stopped arguing with each other, and looked at her with reddened faces. She was terribly uncomfortable, even for someone as expressionless as her.

Me: You don't need to. I'm sorry for making this kind of ruckus in front of a guest of my husband.

I bowed to her with a calm expression to make it look convincing, also elbowing (Y/N) to do the same and apologize for our little scene. He seemed reluctant for a moment, but he did it right after I hurried him with my eyes.

(Y/N): W-we are sorry about it. Though I'm not used to bowing in front of people.

Me: Hush. So, mind introducing your wife to our dear guest?

(Y/N): Huh? Oh! Right, let me do it. Ahem. Fiora, this is my... w-wife, Ahri.

She seemed kind of reluctant to shake my hand when I offered it to her, but she did anyway. Something tells me she doesn't like me.

(Y/N): Anyway, I'll proceed to clean this mess.

Hot woman: What about your job? Didn't you come home for that?

Me: That's right dear, I brought your laptop here too. You can focus on your work while I prepare dinner.

I signaled my laptop on the center table. Hopefully this idiot understands that all this is not just a prank from me, but I've planned to keep the fact that he works for us a secret. Or, I'd at least like to make it look more like a proper job instead of being our forced personal assistant. Just as I thought, this woman doesn't seem to know who I am, so this is going perfectly. The only thing that's left is for him to cooperate with the little play.

(Y/N): O-okay... B-but what about the cleaning of the room?

Just follow the stupid act!

Me: You don't need to worry about it, I'll...

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