Group project

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-Seraphine POV-

Me: Do you have any idea for the rhythm?

(Y/N): Not yet, but I'm sure we can figure it out.

Akali: Have you even thought about the genre?

(Y/N): No... I just thought of that idea on the spot, don't expect me to have it all planned.

Me: At least he proposed something we are familiar with, I'm sure we can figure it out in time.

Akali: Don't you have like, three days?

(Y/N): We'll figure it out. We have a third person working with us too, shouldn't be that bad. She is supposed to be here soon, her classes should have ended by now. Did she say anything in the group?

I checked my phone again, some messages were already there from me, but there wasn't a single reply from her.

Me: She keeps ignoring my texts.

(Y/N): Saw she did that in the group chat, well, she has to show up anyways so we might as well keep going here.

Me: I can focus on making the instrumental, I'm sure I can come up with something.

(Y/N): Then maybe I can focus on the lyrics.

Akali: Any ideas?

(Y/N): Not at all.

Akali: Sounds promising. But that topic aside, don't you feel it's a little quiet today?

I was thinking the same actually, after (Y/N) showed himself to the world during the gala, I expected him to be constantly surrounded by students and even press. But we were almost completely unperturbed on the campus.

(Y/N): Normally there would be a lot of fans surrounding you.

The place wasn't deserted, other students passed through the area every now and then but it was as if they didn't know we were here.

(Y/N): Are you hiding us?

Akali jumped down from the platform she was using to paint, landing after doing a couple spins in the air to show off.

Akali: I focus on individual perception, maybe small groups of people, but I can't just make us invisible to everyone that normally passes by, too many to focus on.

(Y/N): Alright, makes sense, then what is going on?

Akali: Wish I knew.


That's a message. Checking my phone I saw it was from Ben.

"Hey, Cynthia said you need to get back today, she already gave you the weekend and since it's the last week of classes for many, the cafe is full of people with their laptops working on their final projects... and most of them are not in a good mood"

Oh jeez...

Me: Uhm... guys, I think I'll need to go, they need me at work right now and after taking the weekend off I won't receive much more leniency from the manager. I'm really sorry.

(Y/N): Well, if you need to go, you need to go. Be careful, and don't worry, I'll be working on this thing on my own too.

I turned to see Akali too, but she seemed more worried about the mural she was working on, at least until (Y/N) poked her side with his elbow.

Akali: Huh? Are you leaving?

Me: Yeah, sorry, they need me at work.

Akali: I can take you there if you want, I could use a cup of coffee.

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