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(Y/N) kept walking through the mirror maze, seeing how everything looked nonsensical and weird, with gravity being ignored in several places. It looked like a scene you would find in wonderland, the only thing missing was the mad hatter and a running white rabbit. Even with all the things running through his mind, this little moment of peace was enjoyable, a must needed moment of reflection...

And it was immediately interrupted by the sound of children screaming in fear.

He was quick to move, running around the maze, trying to make a sense out of multiple directions of the noises for him to follow, he kept moving in hopes to find the ones in danger.

Not even a slight hesitation, he didn't even question it, his body moving on his own to try and save someone in danger... But time kept moving relentlessly, the kids were still screaming and every single path and stair lead him to a new dead end, or to a new intersection.

Soon enough frustration started to fill his head, making him storm through some of the mirror walls in hopes to find the people in danger, but everything seemed to be futile. The mirror maze was living up to the owner's statement, much to his annoyance.

He finally broke a mirror wall that lead to somewhere, only that it led him to fall down several feet until he crashed against the ground.

Not to far from there, Ahri and Evelynn were also trying to figure out the path towards the screaming kids. With both being able to feel the fear of the kids nearby, it wasn't long until they made their way through the maze and reached the zone where the kids were being cornered by a blazing skeleton.

Evelynn: What the hell?

Ahri: Is that your cousin or something?

Evelynn: Not the moment for jokes!

The group of kids was being slowly cornered by the cryptid, using its many arms to block the way of the ones that were trying to run away. But in front of the group, standing up against the creature was a kid that Ahri very well.

The little Zhu Hong was bravely opposing the creature, giving it a fierce look. Making both women to feel concerned, but that immediately changed to surprise and confusion after the kid yelled imposingly.

Zhu Hong: This is not what I want! Stop this now!


Not too far from there, (Y/N) still tried to make his way through the maze, with a constantly growing frustration, he kept rushing through the place in search for a way to reach his destination. But as the moments passed, he felt his own senses to be less and less reliable. The sounds came from all around him, and the glimpses of the situation were reflected in the mirrors for a second before disappearing.

The situation made him feel powerless for a moment, useless. He didn't care anymore why, but he wanted to help, but nothing he could do worked in his favor. Closing his eyes to the everchanging images in front of him, he stopped listening to the screams and the voices around, trying to ignore them so he wouldn't feel guilty for being useless...

Such a rush of thoughts and emotions, they were all interrupted and redirected to the sudden feeling in him. Like a gentle breeze coming from the side, he looked at the direction the breeze came from, his left. A small golden shine reflecting in the mirrors.

(Y/N): Sunlight? And the breeze... and exit?

If he couldn't find them, maybe getting out of the maze and telling the owner to disperse the illusions would help. He let the wind guide him, running through the maze following that golden shine. But instead of reaching an exit, the maze finally led him towards the position of the kids and whatever was attacking them.

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