Between classes

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So many things happened yesterday...

First of all, I almost adopted two kids. And for once, I really regret getting into the heat of the situation, thank god Kayle was there to act as the one with a functioning brain. No matter how much money I get working for KDA, I just can't sustain two kids, let alone actually paying attention to them.

I looked up and saw the usual view of my first class in the morning, a normal teacher giving a lecture. Around me, there was  a bunch of other students that I don't know. They don't know me, they don't know each other, we just reunite everyday to listen to a person with more knowledge than us trying to teach us something, do the best we can to actually learn and then move on with our days to do the same with another teacher. I don't care who they are, they don't care who am I, no one cares, welcome to college.

It's a good thing at the end of the day, the few people I do know hate me. I'm pretty sure I know who trashed my car for example, but whatever, Akali said she might take me home today, she is going to come to the campus to start painting the mural she agreed upon to do with Ms. Laurent.

As for yesterday again, even though I had my arm completely destroyed, I can remember what happened...


We were sitting inside of Selene's office, waiting for her to come and settle the situation of the adoption... and I can confidently say that I made a REALLY bad move back there! How the hell am I supposed to take care of two children while also studying and working for these idols at the same time?

I was sitting in the couch, right beside a sleeping Ahri on the left, on the other side, Kayle was trying her best to treat my wounded arm.

Kayle: I can literally see the bone coming out, how the hell can you even move your arm?

Me: Practice and guts.

Kayle: You break your arm in a daily basis or what!?

Me: I had to learn how to control my strength at some point, remember?

She remained quiet for a moment.

Kayle: You are... certainly something new for me.

She finished bandaging my arm, then, she started to concentrate light around it to act as a supplementary splint. The solid light enveloped my arm and placed in front of my chest, holding on the left shoulder with more strings.

(Y/N): That's a cool ability.

Kayle: Thanks, I guess.

We both stayed in silence for a moment, so I turned to check on Ahri, while Kayle just stayed in her place thinking.

It was like this until Selene finally entered the office, massaging her forehead while sighing.

Selene: What a day. How is Ahri doing?

Me: She is sleeping peacefully for the moment.

Selene: That girl, always go the extra mile without taking a care for herself.

Me: I've noticed, but we are working on making her more conscious of herself.


After that, we discussed several things about the process of adoption, and Kayle was making sure I didn't end up doing something stupid, again.

As for now, I watched my teacher finishing class, I didn't really pay attention this time, but for what I can remember, we are just giving a second read to the current subject. My life has been a big disaster lately, so much so that I haven't paid attention to any class or project, I'm far behind my classmates in the main project of the semester, and there is only a couple of weeks left before we reach the end of the semester.

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