Noisy campus

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-(Y/N) POV-

I was watching Evelynn scold Ahri, chuckling a little at the sight while I was repairing everything she broke or burnt during her little tantrum.

Evelynn: What do you think it would happen if (Y/N) weren't here to fix all this mess!?

Maybe I should step in, this is starting to be sad instead of funny.

Me: Okay, to be fair, without me here, none of this would have ever happened.

She immediately turned to me with a confused expression.

Evelynn: What? Now are you going to defend her? She was trying to burn you alive just an hour ago.

Me: I know but, come on Evie, let her go this time, she's still not used to having me here. It was obvious that one of you were going to make the same mistake sooner or later. Even you.

She sighed before turning to Ahri.

Evelynn: Okay then, don't cause this kind of problem ever again. Understood?

Ahri: Y-yes. I'm sorry.

I finished repairing the kitchen and walked towards both of them, standing at Ahri's side.

Me: Hey, look on the bright side. At least we are even now.

She chuckled a little at my little comment. I simply returned a friendly smile. I guess I need to process the idea of my life becoming more chaotic from now on...


We all turned to see the door bursting open, only to reveal Akali walking inside of the house with a terribly tired expression. Kai'sa finally came out of her room, she was inside because she felt uncomfortable seeing Ahri being scolded. Looking at the tired ninja, she asked for the situation.

Kai'sa: What happened? You look very tired.

Akali just dropped on the recently repaired couch and answered, being face first on the couch only made her words sound muffled though.

Akali: *Incomprehensible mumbling*

Evelynn: Get your face out of the couch and answer correctly please.

She reluctantly did so and answered in a tired tone.

Akali: I've been running from the police and some fans all day.

Ahri: Why both?

Me: Let me guess, you were recognized by people while making a graffiti in an alleyway.

Akali: I was blocked by a sudden wave of fans, and the other escape route was suddenly blocked by a police car. Curious thing, it wasn't an alleyway. It was a building next to a parking lot... Somewhere.

Now I'm curious where she was painting. But I'll ask that later.

Me: Judging for how you described the situation, I guess you ran through the rooftops, right?

Akali: Yes. I even used some improvised smoke bombs to escape, but one of the officers had thermic vision or something. They always found me no matter what I did to lose them.

Evelynn: Couldn't you just, I don't know, disappear like you always do?

Akali: I did that, but they still found me seconds later. I had to do it several times, alongside with more smoke bombs that I made with my paint cans, to finally escape from them. But I did it and now I'm tired.

*knock* *knock*

I have a bad feeling about this.

Kai'sa: I'll go.

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