Quiet morning...?

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-(Y/N) POV-

I woke up in the morning thanks to my alarm. It took me some seconds to regain some consciousness, but when I was fully awakened, I noticed something warm was over me. I gave it a little glance and noticed Akali sleeping over me.

She was using my chest as a pillow. I have to say she is cute, but I have to do my morning routine anyway.

I tried to sneak out of the bed, but she suddenly hugged me.

Akali: Don't... go... you are warm.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pillow from behind my head, then proceeded to replace myself with the pillow to make her let go.

I carefully removed her arms from myself and slowly placed the pillow between us. She hugged the pillow the same way as me and gave me the chance to sneak out of the bed.

I stood up at the bed's side and saw all of our clothes on the ground.

I sighed, I can't believe what just happened last night. I got some sort of a job interview with one of the most popular pop stars in the world, I got the job, and on top of that, I banged one of the members.

I'm proud of myself.

Now to the important part. I dressed up and walked to the entrance door.

I looked back to the room and noticed something in the couch of the living room.

Me: She brought a backpack? I guess she brought a change of clothes then.

Like that I walked out of the apartment and started my morning workout.


-Akali POV-

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that I wasn't in my room.

Me: Where am I...? Oh right, I slept with (Y/N).

After yawning once more I stretched a little and sat up in the bed, looking at my surroundings.

Me: So, this is how it feels to wake up in a clean room. Haven't seen one in years actually... Damn that's sad.

I looked around on the ground for my clothes as I stood up, taking them from the ground and going out of the room to grab my backpack with my change of clothes.

Back in the room, I saw the little mess we left last night.

Me: I can't leave everything to him.

And like that I started to clean a little, basically just my clothes; I took out my change of clothes and put the ones from last night back in the bag. Before I put on the new attire I looked around and saw the bathroom door open.

Me: I guess I can take a little bath, there shouldn't be any problem. I have some spare clothes and I sweat a lot last night...

Some memories of last night started to run through my head, I remember how it felt. The warmth, the pleasure, it felt somehow... kind and passionate. I stood there, quiet. I can feel my face heating up a little.

Me: Pffff. Nah! Why would he?

I started to chuckle nervously. It was simple sex, nothing sentimental, nothing significative. It was just the heat of the moment, yeah, just that. Whatever, I need to take a bath.


I went out of the bathroom while using the towel to dry up my hair, I would normally cover myself a little, but I'm alone in the apartment right now. (Y/N) is out doing who knows what, and even if he were here, he already saw me naked, so it's not like I'm going to feel embarrassed if he sees me anyway...

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