Chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was this magical place called... Na I'm just playing with you guys. Hi it's me Toothless. You may be thinking how a dragon from How to Train Your Dragon is talking and in a different book. Well, to tell you how is that I'm not from that movie, my parents just decided to give me this name and believe me I know it's weird.

So you might be wondering who I am and where I live. Well I'm an only child and I've only lived in one place. I live on a tiny island off the coast of Florida. There are not very many people living here so you may not have heard of it before. The island's name is Firefly. Now don't ask me why it's called that, I honestly have no idea why it's called that. I have been going to the same school since kindergarten, because there is no reason to have more than one school for how tiny the island is.

If you promise not to tell anyone I'll tell you a big secret. If you are not very good at keeping secrets then I suggest you stop reading. It's for your own safety really. If I find out you told someone what I'm about to tell you, I will hunt you down and make you pay for telling my secret.

So if you decided to keep reading you better be a trustworthy person or you just really wanted to find out what I promised to tell you if you kept reading. Either way the secret I'm about to tell you can be shared with nobody, not even your best friend. It must stay between you and I, unless there are more than one of you then all of you must keep this secret for me and I have told no one. I have three very unique super powers that as far as I know nobody has ever heard about before so you must be very careful if we meet and I don't like you.

My superpowers are that I am able to shock people if I'm physically touching them or if we're both touching the same piece of metal. Another one of my powers is that I am able to temporarily scramble the electricity in people's brains or in other words rebooting them. Now I know what you must be thinking, she said she had three super powers. That's not all the way true. This last one is more of a transformation than a super power. Now don't be alarmed but I'm also part dragon. So I know you must be thinking, where did a girl from a small island off the coast of Florida no one has heard of before get her powers from. Well I have a theory of where I got my first two powers and we won't get into that right now, but I can for sure tell you how I became half dragon. It goes a little like this:

One normal clear sunny day here in Firefly, Florida, I decided to go for a walk through the forest, when all of a sudden I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I was curious about what it might be, so being the curious person that I am, I went to go check it out. Though my mind was telling me it was dangerous, my curiosity over rid it. As I rounded a corner on the path I was on, the thing I saw jumped out and knocked me over. When I regained my focus I realized the thing hadn't gone anywhere but it had stayed where it had landed on me just looking at me with the same curiosity I had when I went in search of it. The thing I was looking at was a dragon that by the looks of it wasn't much older than I had been at the time. Then something happened that scared the dragon and it just disappeared into thin air and I had no idea where it had gone off to.

The next day I was out in the woods again with a new sense of adventure that I haven't had any other time, I had gone out into the woods. It was a strange but amazing feeling and I felt like I could spend all day out in the woods and not run out of energy. This new sensation continued to happen for a couple more days. It had been about five days since the dragon vanished, that I had this weird sensation that I was not only being watched but also wanted to fly up into the sky and forget about all of the things I cared about in the world. Then I looked behind me and saw a pair of huge black wings that reminded me of the dragon I had seen just a few days earlier. It was so frightening I started to run as fast as my legs could carry me, which was surprisingly fast.

As I was running, I noticed that I had gone from running on my two legs, to running on all four like an animal. Then something clicked inside my head. I had just figured out where the dragon went off to when it disappeared. It had merged with me and I had just transformed into it without realizing I did it. From that day on I vowed to never reveal my powers/transformation to any living soul, not even my friends and family. Now I'm trusting that you can help me keep my secret safe so that organizations like the FBI or CIA don't find out what I can do and run their stupid tests on me. I'm putting a lot of trust into you for keeping this secret, so I hope you can trust me when I say, it would be very bad for the world to find out what I can do.

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