Chapter 20

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It's been two weeks since Taylor's second birthday and she had a lot of fun. We had Jada, Ocean, Charly, Cienna, Sunshine, all the rangers and their families (except for the Rangers families because they didn't know they were rangers) over for her party. Even though Taylor is getting better at controlling her powers she still sometimes shocks people and she shocked everyone at least once.

Today we went to the park to just enjoy the sunshine. "So I was thinking." I said

"Is that ever a good thing?" Matthew asked sarcastically.

I laughed and just ignored him and said, "I was thinking that maybe we could open our own business. What do you think of that?"

"That sounds like a fantastic idea. What should we make our business into?"

"Well it would be cool if we could get the rest of our friends into it."

"Everyone, even the rangers?"

"Ya even the rangers. We can tell everyone that there are some other friends that we have and if they have to go fight something then they can go do it."

"But what will we do if we both have to go?"

"We'll think of something when it comes to it. So I think we should make some sort of bakery."

"Ya we could sell different types of sweets and breads."

"I think we have a plan. We should get everyone together to talk about it. You text the rangers and I'll do everyone else." I said and we set to work texting everyone to come to the park so we could talk about Matthew and I's new plan.

When they all got here Cienna asked, "Who are they?" She was referring to the rangers who weren't in their uniforms so they didn't recognize them.

"There are some other friends of Matthew's and mine. So Matthew and I had an idea of opening up a bakery. We wanted you guys to help us."

"That sounds like fun, when do we start?"

"As soon as we can find a location."

Just then we saw Oceans face lit up and she said, "I just had a great idea." then she told us what it was.

"That sounds like a fantastic idea Ocean. I think we could totally pull that off." Matthew said, then I gasped because I felt something very weird going on inside of me. "What's going on Tooth, are you okay?" he asked and we could all hear the worry in his voice.

"Ya I'm fine. I just felt something weird, but I'll be okay." I said but still felt terrible. We went back to Matthew's and I's house and started to work on our ideas for our bakery.

When we got back there Matthew said to me, "You don't look so good why don't you go up stairs and take a nap."

"Alright. Make sure you come up and wake me if any of you need help." I said and went upstairs to see if sleep will help me get better.

When I finally woke up it was about 5 in the afternoon and I could smell food. I got up too fast and my eyes went black. The strange thing was it wouldn't go away so I called out to Matthew, "Matthew I need your help!"

He came running up here and into the room, "What's wrong?"

"I can't see you." I said

"Why can't you see me?"

"I think it's because I sat up too fast and my eyes went black and it's not going away."

"Well lay back down and let's see if it gets better," he said and helped me lay back down and lay down himself. I felt for his chest and when I found it I put my head on him.

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