Chapter 19

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Today Matthew and I are going out for a walk. It's just going to be the two of us. We're going to leave Taylor with Hayley so we wouldn't have to bring her with us.

When we got to Hayley's house I said "So are you sure you're good for watching Taylor today Hayley?"

"If I can protect this city from getting destroyed from monsters, I think I can handle a little kid."

"Okay but she can be a handful. She also might shock you so be careful." I said and then put Taylor down on the ground.

"Wait, she can shock, like you?"

"Ya but not as hard, so it won't hurt that much."

"Says the person who can kill a grown man with one shock."

"It actually doesn't hurt that much Hayley." Matthew said. "I can't tell you how many times she's shocked me and it still hurts a little bit."

"Well you guys should probably get going or you're going to run out of sunlight." she said

"Thanks again for watching Taylor for us Hayley." I said and Matthew and I started on our walk. "So Matthew how have you been holding up?" I said and took his hand in mine.

"I've been great. I've had the time of my life with you and Taylor." he said

"What are you getting at?"

"I'm just saying that it's been really fun to hang out with you. Do you know why I asked you to marry me?"

"No I don't, you've never told me why. I just thought it was because you loved me so much."

"That is one reason. I was also scared that I was going to lose you if I didn't ask you soon enough."

"How were you going to lose me? I wasn't going anywhere."

"Well I thought you could just ditch me anytime you wanted to for someone else. A couple of times I also thought that you were going to die. I loved you so much that I couldn't bear to see you leave me."

"That was very thoughtful of you, but you know you are not going to lose me. I am glad that you asked me though. I totally forgot, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"What's it for?"

"Have you forgotten or what? Steve has asked me to come in at least once a month for him to see if I'm doing okay."

"That's right. I can watch Taylor while you go."

"That would be great. We should probably go see how Hayley is holding up with Taylor."

"That would probably be a good idea." he said and we walked back to Hayley's house. When we got there she looked like she was going to die.

"Hey Hayley, you look terrible. Are you okay?" I asked her

"Your daughter has a very creative imagination." she said

"How many times did she shock you?" I said laughing a little 'cause it was a little funny.

"I lost count after the first 20 times she did it," she said.

"Well to make you feel better Hayley, I lost count after the first hour I was holding her so I think you'll be ok."

"Thanks for that Matthew. Well I'll be more than happy to watch her again if you need me to."

"Well we appreciate it very much, Hayley. We'll ask you if we need it again. Well we have to get going now. See you later, Hayley." I said and we walked out of her house and back to our house. "Hey Taylor, how was playing with Haley?"

"Fun," she said

"Would you like to stay with her again another time?"

"Yes, she's funny." Taylor said and I laughed a little because she was just learning how to form sentences.

"So Taylor what do you want to do now?" Matthew asked her.

"I'm tired." she said

"Alright, we'll go to bed when we get home." he said and we kept walking.

That night when we had put Taylor to bed and we were in bed ourselves, I said, "So, are you sure you can watch Taylor tomorrow while I go to the doctors?"

"O come on. I've had to watch that little stinker so many times, I'll be fine. What do you think Steves going to find anything different about you?"

"Probably nothing. He hasn't found anything different than any of the other times I've gone in." I said and put my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"You know what I've noticed about you lately."

"What have you noticed about me lately?" I asked

"You've looked much happier."

"I guess I have been much happier lately. It must have been because I am hanging out with you so much."

"You know what?"


"I can't wait until Taylor grows up so she can learn about all of our great adventures and so she can have some of her own with her friends."

"That would be pretty awesome. We should get some sleep before we stay up all night talking." I said and he agreed with me and I fell asleep curled up to him with my head on his chest.

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