Chapter 16

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We officially got out of school a week ago and my friends have been pressing me on when Matthew and I were going to get married. I kept telling them that I didn't know but that I would tell them when we had a date for the wedding, but they didn't believe me. Matthew and I hadn't had a lot of time to hang out together with just the two of us because we were trying to figure out what to do about our wedding, and by now everyone on the island knew that we were getting married. We were also busy trying to stop Gavalnaks from destroying the world with the rest of the rangers and we didn't get much time off from that either.

But today was different because Matthew and I got the chance to go out flying over the ocean just to have some alone time from all the chaos of the island. I wish that you could be part dragon also. I said to Matthew.

Ya that would be cool, but there has only been one sitting of a dragon and it merged with you, but that's okay because you make an excellent candidate for it.

Thanks. Do you think that our kids will inherit any of my abilities?

That would be pretty cool if they did. The cool thing is that you will be able to tell if they are lying to us or not.

That will come in very handy. But I can also read your mind as well. So you can't hide very much from me either.

If you can read my mind, how come you didn't figure out that I was going to ask you to marry me?

I don't read minds all the time, just when I want to.

So what am I thinking right now?

You're thinking about how much you love me and that you can't wait to be married to me.

That's exactly right. Do you still remember the first time that we met?

Of course I do. I was about to show our friends my dragon half when we heard a rustling sound in the bushes so we checked it out. We ended up finding you and told you to scram, but apparently you didn't. I said

Ya, I stayed to watch to see what you guys were doing and that was the first time I saw you transform. I didn't know what to think of it, but I knew you were by far the prettiest girl I had ever met. Then when you were showing me to all of my classes you saw that I was looking at you weird and you asked me why I was. I told you that I saw you transform and then you took me and our friends to the woods and then that was the second time I saw you transform. He said

Then a few weeks later Emma found out and then you, her and Steve found out about my other powers while I was in the hospital. It felt like forever ago.

Ya it does but that was over two years ago so I guess it was a long time ago. Do you know what else feels like forever ago?


Me asking you to marry me. I knew the first time I laid eyes on you that I was going to ask you to marry me.

But what if I said no.

Then I would have been very bummed if you did say no, but thankfully you said yes so I don't have to worry about that.

Just then Ocean popped into our conversation and said: Toothless I need your help figuring something out for the wedding.

And what is that?

When is the wedding going to take place?

Okay that can wait until Matthew and I get back, what else do you need?

Nothing that can't wait until you guys get back. She said. Matthew saw me smiling and shaking my head.

"We can turn around and go back and see what she wants." he said

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