Chapter 4

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I needed to stock up on some food, so I decided to walk to the store. On the way, I ran into Sunshine. Her real name is Alyce, she's another one of my friends who got her nickname from a camp we went to together.

"Hey Sunshine. What are you doing out?" I asked

"Hey Toothless, I was getting some things for my mom. I was going to have a party at my house soon. Would you like to come?" she said.

"Sure I would love to come when is it going to be?"

"It's going to be Friday at 7."

"That sounds great. Do you need me to bring anything?" I asked.

"If you want to you can but you don't have to."

"Alright then, see you then."

"See you then." she said. I noticed her looking at me like I was some kind of alien and I hoped Jada or Autumn had told anyone about any of my powers.

Today is Friday and I'm headed over to Sunshine's house for her party she was having with some popcorn to share. Sunshine and I lived on opposite sides of town, so I decided to risk it and change into a dragon to get there faster so I wouldn't be late. I went out back into the forest and transformed. But what I didn't realize was that Sunshine, Cienna, and Charlie were following me there and all three of them saw me change into my dragon form. They were all at Sunshines house when I got there and they all gave me very weird looks when I walked in, except for Jada and Ocean.

"Hey Toothless," said Cienna. "How are you doing?"

"Hey Cienna, I'm doing fine. Why are you three looking at me like I'm from another universe?" I asked.

"How did you get here, Toothless?" asked Charlie.

"I walked, how else would I have gotten here. But you guys still haven't answered my question." I said getting very nervous but tried not to show my growing nerves.

"Well Tooth, Charlie, Sunshine and me came to give you a ride over but you weren't home so we went looking for you. And we are just wondering if you feel fine and please tell us the truth." said Cienna

At that time I was looking from Jada to Ocean because they were the only ones who knew my talents, but they both were shaking their heads like they didn't know what was going on and they both looked as scared as I felt.

"Ya I feel perfectly fine but you guys are asking me all these questions like I'm sick or something. I'm not sick, you guys. I feel perfectly fine."

"Well we decided to look in the forest behind your house because we know you like hanging out in the woods and we found you but it looked like something was happening to you and we are really wired for you." said Cienna.

Now by this time I was starting to lose some of my balance so I put a hand on the wall to try to steady myself. "Why is this happening? First it was Jada who followed me home and saw me change. Then it was Ocean who found me on the beach wanting to ask a question about a homework assignment and caught me in the middle of changing. Now it's you three who just wanted to give me a ride and found me in the woods changing into my other half. I finally just started to feel free from all that's been happening and it's a way for me to be happy and --"

"Tooth slow down, we can't understand you. You need to take a deep breath in and try to tell us what's going on with you. We're just worried about you. Why don't you start by explaining this change you're talking about?" asked Sunshine.

Now my eyes were starting to lose focus and I couldn't quite see my friends. "This is getting way out of hand. Before I know it the whole town is going to know I'm half dragon and they are going to have me hanged for this. They might even have you guys hanged because they'll think you had something to do with it. All I want to do is look for my parents, not worry about people trying to protect me from a danger no one knows about. Honestly, I came here to have a good time with my friends, I don't want to be questioned about what I can do." I said. By this time I could tell through my blurry vision, Sunshine, Cienna, and Charlie were all very frightened because I was starting to get really mad. "Jada, Ocean can you explain this to them? I need some fresh air, please and thank you." I went outside and closed the door behind me. I sat on the front step and put my head in my hands.

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