Chapter 13

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Today I was out walking like I always do when I get alone time, which is not a lot now because I have to train with the Rangers. I was thinking about telling them about what they saw me do the other day and how Nevaeh just showed up at my house and how suddenly my backyard went from totally clean to becoming a total disaster. As I was thinking about all that, it occured to me that the Rangers hadn't asked me about what happened since it happened and I was hoping they forgot about it because I would rather not tell them about it now.

Suddenly I heard a rustling sound in the bushes so I looked over and saw that it was just a bunny rabbit. Then suddenly this monster jumps out of nowhere and so I get my power star out and morphed into a Power Ranger. Matthew tells the other Rangers to get here fast. There's a monster here and I'm alone trying to hold it off.

Alright I'll tell them and we'll be there in less than ten minutes. He said and I breathed a sye of relief. I kept fighting until everyone else here and they joined in on helping. When we finally defeated the monster I said, "Thanks for coming so quickly you guys."

"Your welcome Toothless. By the way, how did you get a hold of Matthew while you were fighting the monster?" asked Hayley.

"We have our ways." I said

"I remember the last time we fought a monster you destroyed it with some sort of electricity power. You were going to show us but then something happened and we didn't get around to it. How about you show us today?" said Brody.

"Alright. I can actually show you guys right here." I said and then turned to Matthew and said "Can you make sure no one else is here?"

"Sure, be back in a bit." he said and kissed me on the forehead and checked the perimeter. When he was down he came back and said, "All clear. You guys might want to stand behind Toothless. She has a strong side and you don't want to interfere with it."

When they were all behind me, I walked up to a tree and started to pulse. I heard them all gasp except for Matthew because he already knew that I could do this. By the time I was done, it had been about 10 seconds, I had burned the tree to where it was completely black. "Wow Toothless that was amazing. Can you do anything else like that?" asked Preston.

You should tell them if we're going to be working with them from now on. Matthew said.

Your right I should. I need you to get them to understand that this is very important to me and you can tell that you know too. I said

"Hey guys can you follow me for a little bit. There is some information I need to share with you." said Matthew.

Thanks Matthew. I said and walked off by myself so I could have some time to think about things while Matthew told them about my other powers.

Your welcome. We'll come find you when I'm done telling them about the stuff. He said and I could hear a very rare softness in his voice.

Alright. See you then.

"Hey where's she going? I asked her a question and she didn't answer me back." said Preston.

"She has something to do. So you're stuck with me to tell what she can do." said Matthew.

"What do you mean by 'you're stuck with me to tell what she can do' and how do you know what she can do?" asked Brody.

"I've known what she can do since I first showed up here. Alright let's get started. So Toothless just showed you guys one of her powers that she can do. She has two other powers that she can do." he said

"What are they?" asked Hayley.

"Well one of them is like the one she showed you but instead of shocking things, it's where she can reboot people."

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