Chapter 14

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Today when I got up, I got dressed and went downstairs and made myself an egg. Then Mr. Scott came up the stairs and when he saw me he gave me a funny look so I figured he asked Steve about what I could do. "Hi Mr. Scott, would you like an egg?" I asked.

"That would be nice thank you." he said

"Not a big deal, and you can stop looking at me like that I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I said laughing a little bit.

"I know but does Matthew know all about what you can do?"

"Yes he does. He's known for a while now and he's helped me out with a lot of it. How many eggs do you want?"

"Two is fine."

"How do you want them cooked?"

"Hard." he said, still giving me a weird look.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that? You look like you think I'm going to hurt you. It also looks like Steve told you everything he knew about me. What did Steve tell you?"

"Well Steve told me that you could electrocute things and people. He said that you could reboot people, whatever that means. He also said that you could turn into a dragon."

"Did he tell you anything else?"

"No was he supposed to?"

"Nope." I said and thought to myself that Jada had kept her secret on not telling anyone about me being a power ranger, at least not to my knowledge. Then I heard one of my friends trying to contact me so I tried concentrating on their message, it must have scared Mr. Scott because his expression changed from fear of me hurting him, to fear of him saying something that makes me unable to move. "It's okay Mr. Scott, I'm okay. Just thought I heard some" I said and his face relacts.

Toothless we need to meet in the park to talk about something. It was Ocean who said this.

What do we need to talk about Ocean? I said

It's about something that can't be spoken like this because there might be piring ears listening in.

Alright just let me finish eating my breakfast then I'll be there. I said, "Alright Mr. Scott, here's your egg. I have to finish eating and then go meet up with some friends at the park and then I'm going to go to the store to get some food."

"I can go to the store for you if you want me to"

"That would be really nice of you. I'll write you a list of food I need and you can get whatever you want. I'm guessing that you don't have any money right?"

"Right that would be a useful thing to have."

"Let me go grab some cash that you can use. I have an overabundance of it right now."

"How much is an overabundance?"

"Let's say that my parents left me a whole box of it for me for my birthday last year and I still haven't used it all yet." I said and ran up the stairs and grabbed a 100 dollar bill because I had at least another 5 of those in there. I figured if I was going to have a guest in the house we were going to need more food than normal. Then I ran back down the stairs and gave him the bill. "Here you go Mr. Scott. I normally wouldn't spend that much on food, but looking at how much food you eat we're going to need more than the normal amount of food that I get for myself." I finished my egg and went to get my shoes on. When I got them on, I came back into the kitchen and wrote down what food we needed. "I need to get going. Make sure you get everything on the list before you get anything else. I'll be back before lunch time." Then I went outside to my backyard and transformed into a dragon. Even though the park was down the street I still wanted to have the freedom of flying because I haven't done it in a long time.

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