Chapter 7

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So today is my birthday. I'm 16 and yes I am older than everyone in my grade. I'm having all my friends over so we can discuss what we had found out so far about my parents which was nothing. I know it's a weird thing to be doing on my birthday, but I don't know what else to do. There's not much to do on the island.

"Hey Tooth, is Matthew coming?" asked Jada. Which was a good thing she asked because the rest of us didn't realize he hadn't shown up.

"I don't know. I told him that he could come over." Just as I got done saying that we heard a noise coming from out in the front yard so we all got up and went to the front window. Outside there was a band playing in my front yard and I thought that was strange because not very many people remembered my birthday. "Let's go check this out you guys."

As we went outside we found people coming down the road and the people in front were carrying a banner that said "Will you go out with me Toothless?" I could tell it was from Matthew. We all looked at each other with puzzled looks on our faces.

We saw Matthew and we walked over to him. "Well Tooth, what's your answer? Will you or will you not?" he asked

"Yes I will Matthew." I said smiling and on the inside I was flipping out because the guy that I've got a huge crush on just asked me out on a date. But I had no idea what we could possibly do.

"Alright then. How does five o'clock tonight sound?"

"That sounds great. Where are we going to meet?"

"I'll come pick you up and you don't have to make yourself anything for dinner."

"Alright then, see you then." I said and I turned back to my friends looking like I just saw something out of my favorite dream.

"Congrats Tooth. I'm really happy for you." said Jada. When I looked at each of my friends, I stopped at Ocean's because she was smiling because she was the only one of my friends who knew that I had a crush on Matthew and so I smiled back.

"Hey Ocean, you look like you know something that the rest of us don't know about. Is that true?" asked Sunshine because she was the only one who realized that Ocean was just smiling and not saying anything.

She looked at me to see if it was okay if she told them that I had a crush on him and I said that she could. "Well yes, I do know something that you guys don't know and I've known it since the day we met Matthew."

"Do you like Matthew, Toothless?" asked Charly.

"Maybe a little tiny bit." I said and as I did my friends got all excited and were jumping around. I could feel my face going red just thinking about going on a date with Matthew. "Okay you guys, it's not that big of a dill. I only like him a little bit. I don't see what the matter is."

"Well Tooth, he is really cute and you're telling us you only like him a little bit. What's the matter with you?" asked Cienna.

"Alright you guys got me. He really is cute and I have a huge crush on him. He came into my house last week after you guys left and asked me what I wanted for my birthday."

"Well what did you tell him?" asked Cienna.

"I told him I really want to see that new Harry Potter movie that just came out and that I wanted to finish my book series that I have in my room. Also that I just want my headaches to stop but I know that no one can fix that."

"Well I know you'll have a great time tonight," said Jada.

"Thanks Jada. Well see you guys later. I'll tell you guys if I find anything out about my parents." I said and then we parted ways and I went back to my house limping because my leg still hurt from when I fell. When I got back home I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. It was that there was a piece of paper on the fridge. It said:

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