Chapter 21 (Matthew's point of view)

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I got to the hospital a little after that random person called me and after I went to Ocean's house to ask her if she would watch Taylor the rest of the night. Steve is Tooth okay? The people up here won't let me come back there to see her.

She's unconscious and we don't know when, or if ever, she'll wake up. But we'll do our best to keep her healthy and I'll keep you posted on her health.

When will I be able to go back there to see her?

I'll come up there and get you. Steve said. He was at the front desk in 2 minutes. He said to the lady who wouldn't let me come back, "Why aren't you letting this young man come back to see Toothless?"

"He's not family or a close relative." she said

"He is family. This young man here is her husband."

She turned to me and said, "Why did you say something?"

"I did when I got here. You didn't believe me when I did."

"That is true I didn't. Well you can go. Steve will escort you back to see her." She looked very embarrassed that she didn't recognize that it was me.

"So what happened when you got to her?" I said. I looked at the ground because my eyes were starting to water.

"She was on the ground moning and was in a lot of pain. We got her onto the stretcher and into the ambulance. We put an IV in her arm. She went unconscious before we even got here."

"Do you know if she's going to be okay?"

"I can't say for sure but I don't think it's her time to leave this Earth yet. You've got to understand, we're doing everything we can to help her. Well here we are. Just beware she doesn't look so good right now." he said and opened the door to her room.

I gasped. She had an IV in her arm and a whole bunch of other stuff sticking to her. I went to sit in an open chair and didn't say anything for the rest of the night.

I did my best to try to get some rest but sleep wouldn't come. So I had gotten up and walked around the hospital because I couldn't stand watching Toothless lay there unconscious. I saw other families there that were able to go home and be happy together. I know I haven't felt this way any other time when we would be here but this one was different. I felt connected to Toothless now and I couldn't bear to lose her. When I got back to her room, I got a text from Ocean saying:

"Are you alright? Taylor is wondering where you and Toothless are."

Apparently word about Toothless hadn't got to Ocean yet so instead of texting her back, I called her.

"Hi Matthew. You got my text right?"

"Ya I got it. So you haven't heard anything about what happened yesterday after you guys left."

"No I haven't. What's wrong? Did someone get hurt? Where is Toothless? I want to talk to her." she said and I could tell she was getting worried.

"Ocean if something happened to Toothless I don't know what I would do. She's the love of my life." I said and started to cry.

"Wo hold on Matthew what's wrong with Tooth?"

"She's in the hospital and she's unconscious. Steve said that he and the other doctors don't know if she's going to wake up. Ocean if I lose her I don't know what I'm going to do." I said through sobs.

"O Matthew that's terrible. I'll get with the rest of our group and we can take turns taking care of Taylor for you until Tooth wakes up and you guys can leave the hospital."

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