Chapter 25

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Today was Taylor's first day of kindergarten and she was super excited. My kindergarten teacher was still there so I made a request that Taylor be in her class and thankfully she was. When we got to her class Taylor found her seat and her teacher came up to me and said, "A lot has changed since I last saw you, Toothless. You're married, you've got two beautiful kids and now you're in a wheelchair. I still remember when you would walk into my class and would just sit there quietly without talking to anyone because you were always a good kid."

"Well thank you. It's probably because no one would talk to me during class. Let's hope Taylor makes a bit more friends here than I did when I was here." I said

"Let's also hope she doesn't cause any distractions in class. I'll see you when school gets out. Have a good rest of your day Toothless."

"Thanks, you too." I said and went back to my house. When I got home, I found Matthew and Olly playing some sort of game. "Hey, that looks like a cool game."

"Hey sweetheart. How was the dropping of Taylor?" Matthew said

"It was weird. I can't believe she's already in kindergarten and she got my kindergarten teacher."

"That's good. It does seem a little weird. It's going to be a lot quieter than normal. So did you get any breakfast before you left?"

"No, Taylor wanted to be extra early today. Would you be so kind as to make me an egg, please?"

"Of course I will." he said and got up and started making me my egg. Olly crawled over to me and wanted up. I bent over and picked him up.

Just then he said, "Mommy."

"Matthew did you hear that?"


"Olly just said, 'Mommy'."

"Really that's great. Here's your egg." he said and handed me my egg.

"Thank you. Can you take Olly for me so I can eat?"

"Yes," he said and grabbed Olly from my lap and sat down on the couch with him on his lap. "So what do you want to do today?"

"We're almost out of food, so we should go to the store. That should take us a couple of hours."

"Okay, we can go after you finish eating." he said and I finished up eating my egg. When I was done, Matthew put his shoes on and we went outside. He put Olly in his carseat and put him in the car. He helped me into the car then put my wheelchair in the back and got into the driver's seat. "So what do you think of Taylor being at school all day?"

"It's definitely going to be weird not having her crazy spirit around, but it's also going to be nice not having to deal with her for a little bit each day."

"You look more tired than you normally do. Are you doing okay?"

"I don't know. I feel okay. I've been getting enough sleep each night."

"Maybe when we get back home you can take a nap and I'll pick up Taylor."

"Are you sure? I don't mind picking her up."

"Yes and plus you took her this morning. I have to do my part in it too. '' he said and we pulled into a parking spot. He got out and got my wheelchair out and helped me out of the car and into it then he got Olly out and we went into the store. It had been a while since the day I was paralized and everyone had found out about it but they were all still giving me weird looks whenever I passed them. "Hey it's okay, it's just going to take some time for people to adjust to you being in a wheelchair and plus they don't know that you can still turn into a dragon. They could all be thinking that this could have affected your dragon half to. It's just going to take time." Matthew must have noticed that I was looking a bit down.

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