Chapter 24

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Today was one of the ruffest days of my life. Matthew went to help the rangers fight a monster and he told me to stay home because in the next couple of days or so our little baby boy would be coming. When we told Taylor that she was going to have a baby brother, she was so excited that she jumped up and down for joy.

When Matthew got home from helping the rangers he said to me, "How are you doing, sweety?"

"Just wishing I could come help you guys fight off the monsters that attack the city." I said.

"Well we both know why you can't. It keeps you and him safe." Matthew said, putting his hand on my stomach.

"I know it does but what also bugges me is that I still can't feel my powers and it's been over a year now. So when I am able to come and help you guys, we can't get rid of them as fast as we used to."

"Well that's okay because we were used to doing that before you found your power star, so it's just like old times." he said and kissed me. "Now I'm hungry, let's get something to eat." We went into the kitchen and got something to eat.

When Matthew and I were finally in bed after putting Taylor to bed. I had curled up next to Matthew and put my head on his chesed. "So are you ready to not be outnumbered in this house anymore?" I asked

"I actually liked being outnumbered but it is going to be nice to have another boy around the house." he said. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me a bit closer. "Now I'm tired, so let's get to sleep." He kissed the top of my head and I quickly fell asleep.

It had been a couple of hours after we had fallen asleep but it felt like it had only been a couple of minutes when I suddenly woke with a sharp pain in my stomach. Matthew heard me and told me that it was probably just a bad dream and to go back to sleep.

I shook him and said, "He's coming, hunny, he's coming."

He sat up right and said, "Alright then, let's get going." He got his shoes on then helped me get mine on and helped me out to the car. He contacted Ocean to see if she would go to our house and watch Taylor for us. She said that she could do that.

Then he contacted Steve and told him that we were on our way to the hospital and that I needed a room. When we got there, Steve was outside waiting for us. Matthew dropped me off where Steve was waiting and got out to help me out. When they got me on the stretcher, Matthew got back in the car to go park it while Steve and his team rolled me into the hospital and into a room.

When we got into the room, Steve said, "Alright you know the drill, let's get started."

Steve had told Matthew what room we were in so when he parked the car and went into the hospital and into the room we were in. He came over and held my hand. When he did this, I laughed a little bit because of what he was thinking. "What's so funny, Tooth?" he asked.

"Just what you're thinking of." I said through my teeth

"Looks like you got your powers back. We can talk about that later when we're back home. Now don't pay attention to me any more. You're doing great, keep up the good work." he said and still held my hand. I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back.

When I was finally done, I was so tired, I closed my eyes. Matthew saw me do this and asked, "Hey honey are you okay?"

"Ya I'm just tired. I'll be okay." I said and just then a nurse walked in with our little boy. I sat up so I could hold him better.

When we got home, Ocean was making Taylor a sandwich for lunch. "Go upstairs and take a nap sweetie you look tired. I can do everything else today." Matthew said

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