Chapter 6

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Today happens to be the first day of fall break. So Jada, Ocean, Sunshine, Charlie, Cienna, Matthew and I decided to go out in search of clues to where my parents went off to. Right now we are deciding where we are going to look first and we decided we would see if we could find any bouts out in the ocean that looks supeces.

"So before we go we have to pack lunches for everyone because I don't know how long we are going to be. I'll also grab some money from my parents room then we can head out, sounds like a plan to everyone," I said. They all said that it was an amazing plan and they all started making something for lunch and putting it into a backpack. While they were doing that, I ran up stairs to grab some of my money and some of my parents money because we might need to grab some snacks when we're out. When I got back downstairs I saw that everyone was ready to go.

"Alright everyone, I know of an abandoned shipyard where we can search. I'll have to transform in the forest just in case someone is out there." I said as we were leaving.

When we got to the spot, we checked the perimeter to see if anyone had followed us. When we were done checking, I transformed and everyone climbed onto my back and I took off. Not long after we left the beach I started to get a major headache. So I decided to head back to the beach to try to see if my headache would go away. After everyone was off, I tried to change back into my human self but went unconscious before I could get back to my normal self. I hoped my friends would figure out what to do.

When I came back to my senses my friends were surrounding me but this time I was not in a hospital bed, I was in the forest behind my house. Jada's dad, Steve, was there and was looking very surprised that he was actually seeing a dragon. Before I could have time to transform back to my regular self Jada jumped in and said "So Dad what do you think of our discovery?"

"Well I think that you guys were very brave to get this close to a dragon and that she hasn't hurt you yet." he said

"I guess we were being watch out for"

"Well I can't find anything wrong with her, so I guess my job here is done. I'd better get going now. See you all later. Make sure you are back in time for dinner Jada."

"I know Dad. See you at home." she said,

Once Steve was gone I transformed back to myself and rubbed my head. "Thanks for not telling Steve who I really was. How did you guys get me home?" I said

"It wasn't that hard, all we had to do was push you back. You really aren't that heavy." said Ocean.

"So what happened, the last thing I remember doing is landing back down on the beach and you guys climbing off my back. I also tried changing back into this half but could because of the massive headache I had. Was that what happened?" I asked

"Well that was some of what happened," said Sunshine. "So we were flying around looking around for anything suspicious looking and then you started to fly back to the beach and we were all so confused on what you were doing, we got off you when you landed back at the beach and started asking you what the matter was. Then you just passed out and so we got you back into the forest behind your house. When we got here Jada went to go get her dad so he could check on you and when he got here he was very surprised that he was seeing an actual dragon he was speechless. Thankfully he didn't ask many questions and just made sure that you were okay. The only question he asked was where we had found a dragon and we said that we just found it here, but didn't tell him any more than that." As she said all of this I was looking around at all my friends and as I was doing that I didn't see Matthew.

"Hey guys, where is Matthew?" I asked when Sunshine was done talking.

"He said he needed to get home, so he left after we got you back here safely." said Charly. I had a gnawing feeling in my stomach that I couldn't place because I felt a little disappointed that Matthew hadn't stayed around to see if I was okay.

"Alright then. I don't think I have the energy to change form again for a while so we can start up again tomorrow if that all works for you guys?" I asked. What none of us realized was that Matthew was planning on how to ask me out on a date because my birthday was next week and he wanted to do something nice for me.

"That works for all of us. We can meet here around lunch time tomorrow and just look around a little bit to see if we can spot anything weird." said Cienna.

"Alrighty then see you guys tomorrow." I said. As we were walking back out to the street I tripped and fell weird on my foot and a shared pain shot through my leg and I screamed. Thankfully no one had gone very far so they came to help me get inside my house and get me to the couch.

"Toothless are you okay?" asked Jada.

"I think I'll be alright. I just need to sit here for a little bit. I'll call one of you guys if I need anything." I said. As they were leaving, Matthew came in to see how I was doing. "I'll be okay. It's nice of you to come and check on me." I said and I hoped that I didn't look like I was blushing because I've never actually talked to Matthew without any of my friends around before.

"That's good because I wanted to ask you something," he asked.

"Alright what is your question," I said, getting very excited but hoping it wasn't showing. I still hoped that Matthew thought I was cute because the crush I had on him was growing by the day.

"So I know your birthday is next week and I was wondering what you were doing for Thanksgiving break."

"Well I wasn't really doing anything because I couldn't get any tickets to the new Fantastic Beasts movie that's coming out."

"Is there anything you want for your birthday?"

"Well it would be really nice if I could stop getting headaches every time I'm either in dragon form or trying to transform into dragon form, but you can't do much about that. It would be nice if I could finish all my book series that I have up stairs in my room and I really want to see that new Fantastic Beasts movie that just came out but they're all out of tickets."

"Thanks for giving me some ideas Tooth and it's okay if I call you that right. I mean the rest of your friends do and we've been hanging out together a lot now--"

"Hey it's totally fine if you call me that. We are friends aren't we?" I said laughing at how he thought that he couldn't call me that.

"Thanks again. I'll see you tomorrow Tooth."

"See you tomorrow Matthew." I said as I led him to the front door.

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