Chapter 2

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So today was my first day as a freshman at FireFly high school. This semester I'm taking Biology, Art 1, P.E, World History, English 1, Spanish 1, and Algebra 1. My school does something you might not have heard of, it's called Houses and Orders. If you wanted to compare it to something, it's kind of like the houses in Harry Potter but more stupid because they make us do stupid activities. The houses that we have are called Aquatos, Benificum, Constantia, Phantasia and Virtuous. The house I'm courteney in is Phantasia which means imagination and we're the Unicorns.

During art today I was called down to the front office and was told I needed to go home. My house was a couple of blocks away from the school, so when I got out of range of the school I started to transform into a dragon so I could get home faster. I didn't even think about checking to see if anyone was around to see me transform. When I got home, I found that my parents weren't there and there was no note saying where they went. I thought that was weird because normally when I got home from school and they were out somewhere, they usually left a note saying where they went. So instead of worrying, I decided to go into town and ask around to see if any one had seen them. To my disappointment nobody had seen either of them. So I went home because school was already out and when I got home I found one of my best friends sitting in my room.

"Hey, Toothless," said Jada.

"Hey Jada. How did you get in?"

"I let myself in, your front door was unlocked. So you know when you left school today?"

"Ya," I said as I was unpacking my school bag.

"Well, I got permission to follow you home. So that's -"

"You followed me home? I thought I was alone!" I said dropping my bag on the floor and turned around abruptly.

"Let me explain before you get all worked up. I said I was worried about you so I got permission to follow you home." she said and got up and started passing. "While I was following you, something happened to you and it looked like you were going through a transformation."

"This can't be happening." I said and hit my table so hard it almost cracked. Then turned to Jada and said, "Are you sure it was me that you were following?"

"Yes, I'm very sure it was you Toothless." she said with a consering look on her face.

"Okay, well if you were following me home and saw what I was doing, there is something I need to tell you that I have not told another soul about. If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, and I mean no one. Do you think you can do that for me, Jada?" I was really panicking now because I had just exposed my other half to my best friend.

"Yes, I can. Why are you acting so weird right now? I mean this shouldn't be about someone you like, right?"

"No Jada, I don't like anyone. I also don't like people knowing about what you have just seen. I've been very careful so that people don't see my other half and now you just saw it without realizing what I could do." I said and was pulling at my hair.

"Okay Toothless, why don't you just tell me what's going on and what's this talk about another half?"

"Okay. We need to find a good spot in the forest so I can show you."

"Why do we have to go to the forest? Why don't you just show me right here?"

"I could wreck my house if we do it here and there are people around here that I don't want knowing what I can do." I said. So we went to the forest to find a good spot so I could show Jada my dragon half. On the way I told Jada about my other two powers. I also explained to her about my dragon half and not to worry about me, the transformation doesn't hurt. "Ok, Jada, are you ready to have your mind blown."

"Just do it. It's not like I'll ever be ready to see a dragon for the first time."

"Well, okay, you might want to stand back." I said and as she started to back away, I started to transform into a huge black dragon.

When I had finished transforming, Jada was so amazed she was left speechless. So I leapt into the air to fly around for a little bit. After a couple of minutes of me flying around and finally feeling free for the first time in a long time, I came down and transformed back into my human form.

Jada was still stunned about what she had just seen. It took her a couple of minutes to say, "Wow, Toothless that was amazing. I don't know why you were freaking out so much. That was the coolest thing I've seen."

"Thanks Jada, but really you can't tell anyone about this. No one, and I mean absolutely no one on the island can know okay?"

"Okay. Off topic question, but did you ever find out where your parents went off to?"

"No I haven't yet, but I'm not going to give up looking for them. I just hope I can find them unharmed and okay."

Toothless Adventures in Highschool and BeyondWhere stories live. Discover now