Chapter 23 (Back to Toothless point of view)

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Today when I woke up, Matthew was still in bed with me. "You're still in bed." I said.

"Do you have a problem with me still being here?" he said

"No, I'm just surprised that you're still here because normally you're downstairs making breakfast or something."

"Not today. I just felt like laying here until you woke up. You can be very beautiful when you sleep." Matthew said and kissed me. I guess he missed my familiar touch because he's been kissing me a lot since I woke up. I didn't mind it because I missed being with him the night I woke up.

"Well thank you. I'm hungry, so I'm going to go downstairs and get some food." I said and got out of bed to go downstairs and get some food. When I got downstairs, I found that Taylor and Matthew's dad had made something for breakfast.

"Mommy!" Taylor yelled as she ran over to give me a hug. "Me and Grandpa made breakfast."

"Well wasn't that nice of you guys to do that." I said and saw Scott, Matthew's dad, looking at me. "Thank you for making breakfast, Scott."

"It was all Taylor's idea. I was just here to help." he said

"Mommy is Daddy up?" Taylor asked

"Yes he is. Why don't you go drag him down here so we can eat breakfast." I said and she ran upstairs to get Matthew.

"It looks like you're doing a little better today, Toothless." Scott said.

"Thank you, Scott. I am feeling a little better today than yesterday but I still can't feel my powers. I just hope they will resurface again soon." I said.

When Matthew came down he walked over to me, kissed me on the cheek and asked, "So Taylor tells me there is some breakfast already made for us. Is that right?"

"Yep. It was Taylor's idea and your dad helped her make it."

"Well that was nice of them. I'm starving, let's get eating." he said and we went over to the table and started to eat. When we were done, we cleared the table off and walked into the living room to just talk.

When we sat down, I snuggled up with Matthew. Taylor asked me, "Mommy are friends coming over for my party tomorrow?"

"I think so, I still have to ask them." I said and she went back to playing with her toys.

"So you guys are really going to have your friends over for Taylor's party tomorrow?" asked Scott.

"Ya they always come over here for Taylor's birthday. She likes hanging out with them." Matthew said.

"Well I'm going to have to leave tonight after dinner so I can get back to work in time." Scott said. "Is it ok if I give Taylor her presents today?"

I looked up at Matthew to see if he was okay with it and he nodded. "Ya that's fine." I said. I'm going to grab something from upstairs real fast. I'll be right back.

Okay. Matthew said and I got up and went upstairs.

While I was upstairs, Scott asked Matthew, "Where is Toothless going?"

"She had to go grab something from upstairs. She'll be right back." Matthew said and they were quiet until I got back downstairs.

"What do you have there Toothless?" asked Scott

"O, it's an early present for Taylor." I said and when Taylor heard this, she jumped up and all existed.

"What is it, mom?" Taylor asked

"You'll have to open it to find out what it is." I said and gave it to her. She ripped back the wrapping paper to see what I had gotten for her. When she saw what it was she smiled.

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