Chapter 12

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Today I was feeling a lot better than I had the past couple of days. I was at home reading my book when I heard the doorbell ring, so I got up and went to answer the door. When I opened the door I found every student that went to school standing on my street. I was very confused on why they were standing out there.

Hey guys do any of you know what's going on outside my house? I asked

No what's going on? asked Ocean.

The entire school is here standing in front of my house.

I'll come check it out Toothless. Matthew said. A few minutes later Matthew was here and was asking one of the kids what was happening. Then he said: They wanted to make sure you were doing okay and so they all came by and wanted to wish you better. There was a little surprise in his voice because none of us knew about this. So I went and stood by Matthew and as I was coming down everyone was cheering because they saw that I was fully recovered.

"Hey Matthew thanks for asking around." I said

"You're welcome. It's the least I could for the most beautiful girl in town." he said and kissed me. When we pulled apart, I was smiling.

"I should probably get back inside so I could clean it up and so I don't stress myself out about my parents before I get better all the way."

"Alright. Do you want help doing that?"

"That would be fantastic. Thanks for offering." I said and we went inside to start cleaning up my house. When we were done, we ended up deep cleaning the entire house. "Hey Matthew thanks for helping me with cleaning my house up."

"Your welcome." He said and we walked to the front door so he could go home and grab some of his stuff and bring it back over here. "See you when I get back." he said and kissed me on the forehead and walked down the sidewalk to his house.

When he got back, I was watching a movie. He bent over the back of the couch and asked, "Hey Tooth, what are you watching?"

"Merlin." I said and looked up at him.

"Looks interesting. So what's happening right now in the show?" he asked. He walked around the couch and sat down beside me. So I told him what was going on and then I heard something that was coming from outside.

Toothless I need your help right now.

Alright I'm coming. Where are you and who is this? I asked and thankfully I knew Matthew could hear this too so I paused my show and we got up and went outside.

I'm out in the street down the road to your left. And this is a friend from church. The person said. Matthew and I looked at each other with the same expression. It was an expression of confusion. So we ran down the road to our left and found someone in the road. It was one of the Beehives from Church and her name was Angel. She was lying in the middle of the street and wasn't moving.

Angel how did you get here and how can you communicate with me like this? I asked.

Well it's not that hard if you just listen when you are not doing anything. I was walking across the street when my entire body went numb and I just collapsed. I didn't know who else to contact.

Alright we're going to get you to a hospital.

What do you mean by "we"?

Matthew is here with me right now. I said and turned toward him and asked: Matthew do you think you can get Steve here?

Ya. He said. As he was trying to contact Steve, I could hear him struggling. It took him a few minutes but he finally got through to him. Steve we need your help down here near Toothless house.

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