Chapter 5

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This morning I got released from the hospital and went home to get ready to show my friends my dragon half. Although there wasn't much to do, just make sure I won't back down from going through with it. When I got home I found a note from Steve saying that I needed to come in and see him at least once a week to get a check up to see if anything like that would happen again. I thought that was weird but if I had to I would hope they wouldn't find out about my power's.

As time came closer to when I would show my friends my dragon half, I got more and more nervous even though I knew everything would be alright. I know I can trust my friends with keeping my secrets and that they were the greatest friends I could ever ask for. Then suddenly I heard a knock on the door and jumped a little bit. I suddenly got really nervous that it was someone I didn't want to see. When I got to the door I saw it was just my friends here so I could show them my dragon side.

"Hey guys. I thought you guys were someone I had no desire to see. I'm relieved it's just you guys." I said with a sigh of relief.

"Nope, it's just us." Charly said. "So you ready to go?"

"Almost, just let me grab something to eat and then we can go," I said

After I grabbed my snack, we started to walk to the spot where we had gone to yesterday so I could show them my power. When we finally got to the spot I was going to tell them some stuff to be careful about but then someone popped out of the bushes and scared all of us.

"What are you guys doing here?" the person asked.

"Well we were going for a stroll through the woods and just about to do something very important. What is your name and what are you doing here?" I asked. I did my best to stay neutral and hide the fact that I thought that the young man I was talking to was cute. I looked down and smiled. I tucked my hair behind my ear and cooled my expression and looked back at him

"My name is Matthew and my family just moved here so I decided to have a look around." he said. I stretched out my hand and we shook hands.

"Well it's nice to meet Matthew. You seem like a fairly truthful person. I look forward to seeing you in school tomorrow."

"I'll see you all tomorrow. Maybe we'll run into each again today." he said. When he was leaving he turned around and smiled back at me so I smiled back to be nice. I didn't show it, but I could feel my heart beating faster than it was a couple minutes ago.

"Alright Tooth, let's get back to what we were doing." said Ocean.

"Okay as I was going to say before we got interrupted was that you guys should stand back. If you guys have any questions just ask Jada or Ocean because if I try to talk to you when I'm in dragon form you guys won't be able to understand me. I guess that's one of the flaws of having the only dragon in the village merge with me." I said. As I started to transform, not one of us realized that Matthew had stayed to watch what we were doing. He had totally seen me transform into a full out dragon.

Today I was helping Matthew get to all of his classes, though he didn't seem quite himself. Every time I saw or talked to him, he seemed like he was talking to a monster. Although I knew I wasn't a monster and would never be, I didn't know why he was acting so peculiar because I didn't know he had seen me when I was in dragon form. When lunch time rolled around, I ended up having all of my classes with Matthew. It's honestly been really strange because he was looking at me weird all morning long.

When my friends were all sitting down at our usual table, I asked, "Hey guys want to come over to my house today after school?" Although I seemed concentrated on eating my lunch, the fact that Matthew was looking at me weird all morning was what took up most of my thoughts.

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