Chapter 3

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So it's been about two days since my parents' mysterious disappearance and Jada's family was kind enough to let me stay at their house last night. Jada suggested that I consider telling the rest of our friends about what I can do. I told her I would have to think about it but wouldn't promise anything.

As I was walking home, I thought about telling my friends about my powers. Although I didn't really want to tell them, I decided to invite them all over next weekend and tell them then. Hopefully they wouldn't take it in a bad way and understand why I didn't tell them before then. When I got home, I started looking for something that would lead me closer to why my parents just vanished without a trace of any indication of where they went off to.

When I was looking I noticed that everything hadn't been touched since I left for school Friday morning. I knew it mustn't have been a break in or a kidnaping because nothing had been broken or taken. Everything was still in it's expat spots I remember them being in. Which isn't saying a lot because I don't remember what I have for breakfast today.

Today I was walking home and I decided to find a place where I could turn into a dragon and have no one see me. So I decided to go to a place on the beach where I knew nobody ever went to, so I could fly around to look for my parents. When I got there I found a good spot and started to transform. In the middle of when I was transforming, I heard someone calling out to me. I stopped transforming and transformed back into myself.

"Hey Toothless, what are you doing?" Ocean called out. Ocean was one of my life long friends. Her real name is Autumn but we each got a nickname at a camp we went to together and her's just stuck. "What's going on here Toothless? Why did it look like you were transforming into something?"

"Ocean, I didn't think anyone would come here. I thought I would come out here to try to find something about where my parents disappeared off to. How did you know to find me here?" I said, surprised to see her here because no one had texted me, trying to find out where I was out.

"I actually came looking for you because you weren't at your house and I had a question on an assignment we got at school this past week. When I couldn't find you at your house, I decided to come look here. I know this is one of your favorite spots and your parents just disappeared, so I came here. Then when I spotted you, it looked like you were somehow changing form. All I want to know is what was going on with you? I've never seen you do anything like that before. It was quite strange, I hope you're okay." she said.

"Why do people have to follow me everywhere I go. Before my parents disappeared, no one followed me or came looking for me. Now it's like everyone is trying to get up all in my business. Jada just wanted to follow me home to make sure I was doing alright, now you came looking for me because you had a question on a homework assignment. I guess you might as well now as well. Honestly this is getting way out of hand. After I tell you I might need to move somewhere else where I don't know anyone and start over."

"Hey Toothless, slow down what are you talking about. You don't need to leave. We all love you no matter what's going on in your life. Now will you please just tell me what's going on? What did Jada find out when she followed you home from school? Was it the same thing I just saw you doing?"

"What you just saw was the same thing Jada saw me doing when she followed me home from school. It's not something I like telling people. My parents don't even know about it. I'll tell you but don't ask any questions unless they're really important."

"Alright, I can do that. How long is this going to last? I've got some homework I've got to finish before tomorrow."

"Let's hope not very long. Ok, here we go. This is very important information I'm about to tell you and the only other person who knows about it is Jada. I've got these sorts of electrical powers. From what I've gathered over the years, no one has ever heard about them. One of them is where I am able to shock people if I'm physically touching them or if we're both touching the same piece of metal. The other power I have is to be able to temporarily scramble people's thoughts. A better way to explain that one is just calling it rebooting. Then my last one power is not really a power but more of a transformation and that's what you just saw me doing."

"Which was what Toothless?" she asked, a little confused.

"It'll be easier just to show you if that's okay?"

"Ya that's fine. It doesn't hurt when you're doing whatever you're doing, does it?"

"No it doesn't. Now the thing I can transform into is something you normally wouldn't think of as real. It'll be easier for you to believe me if you see it with your own eyes instead of me telling you." So I stepped away so I wouldn't crush her. Even though I wasn't fully grown yet in either my human or dragon form I didn't want to risk hurting her. As I started to transform, Ocean started breathing really hard and looked like she was scared out of her mind but I kept going because I really wanted to go fly around to find more clues to find my parents.

When I was finally done transforming I leapt into the air and flew around for a little bit. When I came back down and was back to my normal self, Ocean asked "How did you become half dragon Toothless?"

"Well it happened about 3 or 4 years ago when I was walking through the forest and saw something out of the corner of my eye and so I went to go check it out. When I rounded a corner on the path I was on, the dragon leapt on top of me. I didn't know what knocked me over until I regained my focus and even at that it took me a few seconds to realize that it was a dragon. Then suddenly the dragon heard something and just vanished into thin air. It wasn't for a couple more days that I realized it had merged with me and I have been able to turn into that dragon ever since." I said.

"Well, it was frightening at first but then I saw that you were going to be okay so I was totally fine." she said and playfully bumped into my shoulder. I returned the bump and we both smiled.

"That's good. Let's head back now and I'll help you with that homework assignment." I said. On the way back I told her that the only people she could talk to about this was Jada and me and no one else and she said she could do that.

Today I didn't find any clues to where my parents could have disappeared to but I know that I have two amazing friends that are going to help me find my parents and maybe sooner down the road I'll have the courage to tell the rest of my friends about my powers but not right now.

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