Chapter 27 (Back to Toothless's point of view)

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Today after a bit of argument from Matthew, I took Taylor to school. When I got home, I found my mom playing with Olly. So I went into the kitchen and found my dad and Matthew talking about something. Matthew saw me and walked over to me and we kissed. "How was taking Taylor to school today?" he asked

"Just as long and boring as always." I said

"I don't know why you don't just let me take her, it would be faster."

"Because you pick her up so I have to do something. What were you guys talking about when I got here?"

"Nothing interesting."

"How are you doing, Toothless?" my dad asked

"I'm fine. Just hungry and wanted to see what you guys were doing. What were you guys talking about?" I said as I grabbed some food.

Matthew and my dad looked at each other and Matthew shrugged because he knew I wasn't going to give the subject up. "We were just talking about cars and stuff." my dad said

"Okay. So what are we going to do today?" I said

"Your dad was thinking about bringing Taylor lunch today." Matthew said

"I think she'd love that." I said and went into the living room where my mom was still playing with Olly.

"Toothless I still think it's weird to see you in a wheelchair." my mom said.

"Everyone on the island still thinks it's weird to see me in a wheelchair, so it's fine." I said and just then both Matthews and my wrists buzzed. I looked over at Matthew and nodded my head, "Go, I'll go help at base."

"Alright." he said and ran out the door.

"Are you guys okay with watching Olly?" I asked my parents.

"Ya that's fine." my mom said. I went out the front door and took a shortcut I knew that could get me faster to base.

"Hey Redbot. How are the rangers doing?" I asked him when I got there.

"O hey Toothless. The rangers are doing fine." Redbot said. I rolled up to a computer and put an earpiece over my ear and connected to the rangers.

"Hey guys. I've been looking and this monster seems to be weakest on his right side. Try coming from that spot." I said. It was probably about five minutes before they got rid of the monster. After that they had come back to the base. "Hey guys."

"Hey Toothless." They all said. Matthew bent down and kissed me.

"If you guys are going to do something, please go get a room." Preston said and we all laughed.

"So Toothless how is it to have your parents back?" Brody asked

"Still pretty weird, but it's also pretty nice to have them back." I said.

"Well we should probably get going." Matthew said

As we were heading out Hayley said to me, "Toothless can I ask you something?"

"Yeah go ahead." I said

"How can you be so cool around guys? You always make it less awkward. How do you do it?"

"You honestly think I can be calm around guys?" I asked her and she nodded her head. "Well I'll let you in on a little secret. The only guy I can stay calm around is Matthew, any other guy I'm around I can't think straight. I've just learned to make it look like I have it under control. Why do you want to know this?"

"Can you keep a secret for me?"


"I like someone. Not just like him, but like like him."

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