Chapter 10

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Today is our first day back from thanksgiving break and I'm a little nervous for people to find out that Matthew and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. I saw Matthew in the hallway before my first class of the day and waved and he waved back. Although we were a good distance from each other I could still hear what his buddy's and him were talking about.

One of them said, "Why did you wave to that loser?"

"Three reasons. First, she is not a loser. Second, she has a name and it's Toothless. Three, she's my girlfriend so don't talk about her that way." he said

"Ya but she's always so quiet and shy. So why spend your time on her?" said another one.

"She can be really nice once you get to know her and she can actually do some pretty cool things if you just pay attention. I have to get going. I'll see you guys later." he said and walked over to me. "I'm sorry about my friends, they can be real jerks sometimes. Especially when it comes to girls and dating." He was close enough that I could feel his breath on my face and it made my heart beat a bit faster. I still wasn't used to the thought that I was dating Matthew.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you stand up for me all the time now. It's really nice of you to do that. Are we still showing Emma your science project after school?" I said

"Ya we are. I hope you're up for it and won't pass out."

"I'll hopefully be alright and let's just hope she doesn't suspect that it's actually me doing it. Well I got to get to class. I'll see you next period."

"See you next period. Just remember I love you and we will find your parents." he said and kissed me on the head and walked off to his first period class.

I smiled and walked off to my own class which was Biology. Today we were learning about the human body. I didn't like science very much. Depending on what we were doing that day in science, I was able to learn pretty fast and pass that part of the test. Sometimes I didn't quite understand what was going on and didn't do so good on that part of the test.

Right now I'm waiting for Matthew to come so we can find the spot behind his house so I can transform. I told Steve what we were doing so if we needed him we could call him. Thankfully he didn't live very far from Matthew so he could run over faster, but we all hoped that it wouldn't come down to that because we didn't want Emma knowing my secret about my other half. Then I saw Matthew coming out of the school building. When he saw me, he ran over.

"Hey Tooth, are you ready for this?"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I have an idea on how to get to your house faster."

"What is your fantastic idea?"

"O come on, do you not remember that you're dating a girl with the best power in the world."

"Right I am dating the best person in the world with the best superpower." he said with a smile on his face.

"Then let's go slowpoke." I said running off to a clearing where no one could see me transform. When I got there started transforming and when I was done Matthew had finally caught up to me, but what neither of us realized was that Emma had come here to do some stuff for her science project and she heard me come into the clearing. So she decided to watch what I was going to do and saw me transform. She just stood there with her mouth open staring at me in disbelief.

"Toothless what are you doing? Did you check the perimeter for anyone before you transformed?" he asked

"No." I said transforming back into my human form. "I guess I got carried away."

"Well let's check the perimeter just in case someone was watching." he said and as we checked we found Emma standing somewhere in the bushes.

"Emma w-w-what are you doing here?" I stammered and muttered to myself that I was being really careless and someone I really disliked just found out about my biggest secret.

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