Chapter 26 (Matthew's point of view)

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When Bailey, Taylor and I got to the park they went off to play on the playground. I found a bench to sit on and just then my phone started to buzz. I picked it up and it was Steve so I answered it. "Hey Steve. What did you need?"

"Matthew, it's Toothless. I was walking by your house and I felt a wave of energy and I figured it was Toothless just playing around so I went to go check on her and when I got inside she was hunched over and grabbing her stomach again. We're at the hospital right now. She's still awake but barely. You're going to need to come over here as fast as you can." Steve said

"Alright I'll be there as fast as I can." I said. Hey guys I need one of you to run over to my house and watch Olly for me and then another one to come to the park, Taylor and her friend are here and I don't want to leave them by themselves.

We'll get on it Matthew, don't worry about it. Go do whatever you need to do. Sunshine said

Thank you guys. Hopefully I won't be very long. I said and then called out to Taylor and Bailey, "Taylor, Bailey can you come here for a second?"

"Coming Dad." Taylor said and they ran over to me

"Okay girls. One of my friends is coming to watch you guys because something has come up that I need to get to. I have to run now so don't go anywhere until they get here okay?"

"Okay." they said in unison

"Thank you. Be good and don't talk to strangers. I love you, Taylor be good." I said, kissed the top of her head and ran off to the hospital. When I got there Steve was up front waiting for me. "Hey Steve is Toothless doing okay?"

"She's still holding onto consciousness but I don't think she can for much longer so you made good time." Steve said and we went back to where Toothless was at. Steve got everyone out of the room and left Toothless and I to ourselves.

Tooth was laying on the bed hunched over and hugging her stomach. I pulled a chair up next to the bed and sat in it. "Hey sweetie. You don't look so good."

"I don't know what's happening. I started to not feel good so I put Olly in bed then went back downstairs and then it happened and Steve came in and brought me here." she said. I think there was going to be more to the story but I cut her short. I started to kiss her like I wasn't going to ever see her again because I wasn't sure if I was going to or not. She had taken her hands off her stomach, which I knew took a lot of effort on her part, and was running them through my hair. I got up onto the bed and was making sure that this was going to give Tooth enough strength to stay awake while the doctors ran all the tests they were going to need to do on her. A minute had passed and Toothless's hands started to slip from me and I couldn't feel her trying anymore.

"Toothless, don't do this to me. You have to stay with me. You're the greatest and strongest person I've ever met. Don't give up on me now." I said and now I was back in my chair trying to get Toothless to wake back up. Steve must have heard me saying all this because he had come rushing back into the room.

"Matthew what happened?" he asked me

"I don't know, Steve. One minute we were talking and the next she just calmly fell asleep. Steve please tell me that she's going to be okay and that she's not going to die." I said and tears had started to roll down my face

"She'll be alright but it's going to take a while for us to figure out what's wrong with her and it's going to take time for her to wake up and recover from this." he said and had a worried look on his face and I couldn't tell if it was worry for me or if it was worry that Toothless wasn't ever going to wake from this.

"I need to go. Make sure you take good care of her for me." I said and walked out of the room and out of the hospital. When I got out of the hospital, I took off to where Toothless and I first met. I need someone to talk to and I decided to ask Ocean to come and meet me there.

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