Chapter 22 (Still from Matthew's point of view)

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Today I stopped by the hospital to check in on Toothless. She hadn't gotten any better than when Steve told me her vitals dropped. I tried to take my mind off of the fact that Toothless wasn't going to get better by going for a walk down the beach.

It didn't work very well because people kept asking me how she was doing. I told them that she was doing alright and hopefully would be better soon. I saw Ocean with Taylor while I was walking. "Hey Ocean. How's it going?"

"Well Taylor here said that she wanted to come here so here we are. How are you holding up yourself?"

"Alright I guess. I checked in on Toothless this morning and she still hasn't gotten better."

"That's not good. Well let's just hope that she will get better. If you need me to do anything just let me know."

"Okay I will. Well I better get going. See you later Ocean."

"See you later Matthew." she said and then turned to Taylor and said, "Come on Taylor let's go find something to do." And they left in the opposite direction. I kept walking along the beach.

I decided to go home because it was getting late. When I got home I made myself some food and turned on the TV to watch something. I just finished eating when I heard someone at the door. I heard the door open and reached for my power star. When I saw who it was I siyed. "Hey guys. What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"Just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing. We weren't sure if you were home and the front door was unlocked so we decided to just come in." said Brody.

"Well you guys scared the crap out of me. I was afraid you guys were burglars or something like that. I'm glad it was just you guys though."

"Well I'm glad you didn't try to kill us. So you are doing alright. Even with everything that's going on?"

"Just holding on to what little hope I have left about Toothless ever getting better but honestly it could be worse."

"How much worse?"

"Well Tooth could not be here anymore and she would leave me alone to watch Taylor. That would be terrible."

"That would be terrible. I don't know if I could deal with that myself. It would wreck everyone's lives if she died. She's done so much for this island that everyone she's done something for, would mourn for her." said Preston.

"Well thanks for checking in on me and almost giving me a heart attack."

"Your welcome. Well not so much on almost giving you a heart attack but for coming to check on you." Brody said and they left.

I sat back down on the couch and a flood of memories came rushing back to me. The first one that came back was when the first time Toothless and I kissed. We had gone out into the forest so she could transform. Then I walked her home, and I had asked her if I could kiss her. I cupped her face with my hands and she melted into me.

I remembered when I asked her to marry me. Her expression was the best. She was so stunned that I asked her, she was speechless for the first couple of minutes and when she said yes it was one of the best days of my life.

I had just hoped that she would get better. Just then I heard someone at the door. I went to go answer it and found a package sitting there. I picked it up and brought it inside.

It was dated July 7, 3000. It said it was from my futureself. This was really weird because I didn't think that we had invented time travel yet but apparently we have. I opened it up and found something in it but didn't know what it was. I pulled it out and was looking for instructions when it turned on.

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