Chapter 18

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Last week was Taylor's, who if you don't know is my little girl, first birthday and even though she's had a hard time controlling her power, she's been a real handful.

"So how has it been going with Taylor?" Matthew asked me as we lay in bed that night.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I mean how is she controlling her power?"

"She's getting better. Hopefully she'll have complete control of it soon."

"That's good. Do you remember the first time I asked you out?"

"Ya of course I do but can you remind me."

"We had gone out looking for your parents one day and you were flying us around when suddenly you turned around and went back to the beach and passed out. So we took you to the forest behind your house and Jada got her dad to come over and check on you. At that point I went home and started planning on how I would ask you out. At the time I didn't know if you liked me or not. Then later that day I came by and asked you what you wanted for your birthday. Then the next week while our friends and you were trying to find more clues to your parents I was outside preparing to ask you out. You guys came out when the band started playing and you saw the sign. Then I came up to you and asked you if you would or wouldn't go out with me and you said yes. We went to Olive Garden for dinner and then we went to the movies and watched the Harry Potter movie that had just come out."

"That was one of the most surprising days of my life." I said

"What was the second one?"

"You asking me to marry you. I'm really happy that you did. You've helped me get through a lot of hard times since we started dating." I said,

"I'm really happy I did too. You've made me really happy." he said and leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. "We should probably get to sleep."

"Your right." I said and curled up next to him and fell asleep. Before I fell asleep I felt Matthew put his arm around my shoulders and whisper to me that he loved me and that I was a great wife and mother.

When I got up the next morning, I found Matthew and Taylor down stairs playing together. "Look at you too playing together so well." I said

"Look Taylor, it's mama." Matthew said and I laughed a little bit because he sounded so ridiculous talking like that. Taylor wabled over to me and I picked her up. "Hi sweetheart. How is the most beautiful woman doing this very fine morning?"

"She is doing good. How is the most handsome man doing this very fine morning?" I said

"He is doing great."

"What were you doing up so early with Taylor?"

"I heard Taylor crying in her room so I got up and went to get her. We came down here and started to play."

"That's good. Did you make anything for breakfast?"

"No I forgot."

"It's ok. I'll just make myself an egg." I said. I set Taylor down and went into the kitchen and started to heat up the pan.

"So what do you want to do today."

"I heard somewhere that there is this electrical power that no one could harness. So I was thinking, we could go check it out."

"That sounds like a great idea. How are we going to get there?"

"I've got an idea, but we can't take Talyor with us. I don't know anything about this place and I don't want her seeing something that will give her nightmares for the rest of her life." I said and Taylor frowned. "It's alright sweety, it won't take us very long. Daddy will take you Cienna's after you get your shoes on." She went to get her shoes and as she did I told Matthew of how we were going to get there. "I'll see you in a little bit."

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