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It's been over thirty years since that dreadful day. Both Taylor and Olly are married and they both have two beautiful children. "Grandma, can you tell me another story?" Emma, Taylor's daughter, asked.

"Emma, don't bother Grandma. I'm sure she's got other things to be doing." Taylor said.

"It's alright. I wouldn't mind telling a story to one of my favorite granddaughters." I said and smiled at Taylor. Then I turned back to Emma. "So, Emma, what story would you like to hear today?"

"The one were you and Grandpa got to go to visit Bella and Drew." she said and I knew exactly which one she was talking about. I looked up and saw Taylor flinch. It was the last time Taylor had seen Matthew. I hadn't had the courage to tell her what had happened to Matthew until she was about ten years old

"Alright." I said. I took a deep breath and started telling the story of the trip that had ended ripping Matthew from my life. I knew I was bound to cry but was hoping they were going to hold out until the end of the story. "This was Grandpa's and my third time going to visit Bella and Drew. They needed some help hiding a very special item"

"What was it?"

"It was the princess. She had a very special talent that her parents didn't want others to find out about. So Grandpa and I decided to bring her back here. But before we could make it back, we were attacked. Grandpa did his best to defend us, but it wasn't looking so good. He told me to run and that he would be right behind me. I got to the spot we agreed on and turned around to find he hadn't followed. I waited a good ten minutes before leaving. It was the last time any of us saw him." I said and could feel my eyes start to water. I could tell Taylor was about to cry as well.

"What happened to the baby, Grandma?"

"I gave her to the orphanage. I checked on her once a year until she was adopted. Then I don't know what happened to her."

"Mom, can you do wings again? For old times sake?" Taylor asked. I looked at her and smiled. We both had tears running down our faces.

"Sure sweetie." I said and transformed my wings. Emma's eyes widened when she saw me do this. She did this every time I did this. Just then we heard a knock on the front door.

"I'll go get it." Taylor said. I got rid of my wings and a few minutes later Taylor walked back in with a young woman.

I made the mistake of saying, "Bella?"

"Who?" the young woman asked

"O, sorry. You remind me of someone I met a long time ago. What's your name and what service can I do for you?"

"My name is Katy and I was told you were my guardian angel when I was baby. I wanted to thank you for being willing to check in on me when I was a kid."

"Well it's my pleasure. I'm just sad I lost contact with you when you were adopted."

"I was also told you know who my parents are. I want to know who they are. It might help me figure out why I have these weird abilities."

"I promise I'll tell you who your parents are, but can you tell me what these powers are?"

"Ya it's like I have the senses of an animal. I've always been able to smell what's for dinner, wherever I am in the house. I can also see details in things from at least ten feet. It really depends on the size of the thing I'm looking at. Things like that."

"Okay, okay. You're going to want to sit down for this." I said. Once we were all comfortable, I continued. "So Katy, you're ancestors come from a long line of very powerful people. On your dad's side you come from a line of very respected Kings and Queens. On your mom's side, you come from a very powerful line of nobles. Now your parents are the King and Queen of a far away kingdom. The last time I went there was because your parents wanted my husband and I to take you to a place where no one would ever find you. So I brought you back here."

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