Chapter 11

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Today is Saturday and I got out of the hospital on Thursday, but I still have to tell Steve how I'm doing. I'm working on all my homework I missed while I was at the hospital. I told Matthew that he could come over and help me with it when he got the chance because I didn't understand some of the stuff. For some reason I thought I heard a voice in my head saying that I found something out. Then It happened again but with more feeling and I realized who it was. It was Matthew trying to contact me through our new way of contacting, but what I didn't realize was that he was standing outside my front door.

What are you trying to do Matthew? I asked

I was trying to tell you that I found something useful but that was just to get your attention and open the front door. He said

Alright I'll go open the front door but if you're standing there it's open. I really would rather not get up right now.

Stay right where you are Toothless there is some else in your house.

Come on Matthew I know it's you just come in and help me with my homework.

Fine, I was just trying to have a little fun. He said and let himself in and walked over to where I was sitting.

"Hey I thought that you had stuff that you were doing today? Did you get away with doing them?" I asked

"I actually finished everything. So what did you need help with?"

"Well I don't understand how to do the math stuff." I said. Matthew sat down next to me and looked at the problems I was working on. "This is the one I'm stuck on."

"Alright what do you think the first step is?" he asked

"I don't know. That's why I need your help." I said.

"Well first off you have to make sure that the x is by itself on one side. Do that first and then we'll figure it out from there." he said and I bent over my paper. I felt Matthew move my hair over my other shoulder and he kissed my neck.

I laughed and said, "Hey I said I needed help with my math. Not for you to kiss me."

"I know and I am helping you. You were just working on a problem and I was just having a little fun."

"Okay well, help me with my homework and we can have a little fun later." I said. We worked on that for a little while and then Matthew took me to get some ice cream and we walked through the park.

"Hey Toothless have you heard anything from your parents lately?" he asked.

"No I actually haven't. Come to think of it, I haven't heard from them in a couple of weeks now. I hope they're alright and they write soon."

"Well I know we'll find them sooner or later."

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my other powers before Monday. I said

It's alright you were just trying to protect yourself from more harm.

Thanks for understanding, let's go back to my house. I'll contact everyone else to meet us there.

That sounds good.

Hey guys. If you guys can come over to my house in about five minutes that would be great. I predicted to everyone and they said they could come over.

When Matthew and I got to my house I found everyone at my house waiting to get inside. "Hey guys. What do you guys want to do?" I asked.

"We should watch a movie," said Cienna

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